
Cockwarty actor's warty cock wasn't enough for you? Damn it, what do you people want?

I'm pretty certain stabbing Arya just makes her angrier.

"It's not an anus, dad! It represents my commitment to the Faith of the Seven, because I'm deep and edgy now. You just don't understand! I hate you!"

Pod was supposed to turn up in the back half of the costume but, being Pod, he managed to get it wrong.

Is that yet another sexy Red Priestess? R'hllor really has a type.

Or rather, Arya the teenage traitor has never been in a room with more than two of them at the same time.

People dying never pleases me.

By Monday the entire What's On Tonight comment thread will consist of people demanding the Person of Interest review.

When I was a child, there was a show on British TV called Beadle's About. Don't bother looking for it, it was terrible.

It's actually fairly common for up-and-coming (as it were) performers to be given a showcase film.

Sometimes kuru is just the price you pay for not hurting the environment.

Some of us hunt them for meat.

Tom Hanks hunts people for sport.


Prank shows in general are terrible. I have never yet seen a prank on TV that did not make me want to punch the instigator, although the fact that the aforesaid instigator often looked like Ashton Kutcher may have been a contributing factor.

I recently watched Alice in Wonderland for the first time, and realised that I have absolutely reached my limit on Johnny Depp. He's just too much a caricature to even be fun to watch.

It would work well as an Incredible Hulk-style thing, with Johnny Blaze just walking - well, biking - the Earth, getting into scrapes and trying to get out of them without having to unleash the raging spirit within him. Because man, that Ghost Rider gets super-judgy of people.

Flawless username/comment synergy.

Mr McShane is part of everything. He is in the sky and sea. He is in the dreams of children at night. He is all that there is. Forever.

The great value of fan fiction, for me, was that it taught me to understand TV.