
She got to hang out with the main characters. I'm hoping this means she'll become the Darcy Lewis of the X-franchise; weirdly popular with the fandom, who manage to get her added to the sequel by sheer force of will.

She appears in several scenes, and may even make decisions in two of them. Those decisions are never given any context or explanation, but she definitely makes them.


Conservatively, I'd put the body count of this film in the millions. Nobody seemed to care, even when watching the city they lived in being utterly annihilated.

We don't know that! She had about three lines; she could have been putting on an American accent while working for the mutant underground because of… I don't know, reasons.

I liked this film; I didn't love it. A lot of the characters were seriously underserved and, yes, that includes pretty much all the female characters.

Literally anyone.

That's what happens when you set fire to the audience.

Why are we being punished?

Scatman Crothers is in the awkward position where anytime you mention him you then have to explain the concept of scatting, and then repeatedly and forcefully assert that no, not that you sick bastard, shut up this is music.

Children don't vote. This was kind of inevitable.

Has there ever been a better examination of the dangers of the internet than I Robot, You Jane? One minute you're chatting online with a cute boy who you guys wouldn't know, he goes to another school. The next you're being hunted through a factory by a demon-possessed robot.

Adam Sandler's people just called. They say he wants to know if he'll be allowed to do the movie in yellowface.

You see, this is the controversy that split the Ancient Brotherhood of Fruit Ninjas asunder.

I will watch this if - and only if - it turns out to be an ultra-violent martial arts bloodbath in which the main character is a sinister masked swordsman who frequently breaks from dismembering his foes to eat apples, bananas, kumquat, and strawberries.

And I'll call Donald.

Plastic cups are an even bigger red light than sawdust on the floor. About the only thing worse is if there's a sign at the bar telling you to ask for pool cues.

While I agree with most of your criticisms (I never found the film boring), I think I enjoyed Apocalypse more than you.

There were about twenty people in the cinema when I saw it, which made it all the more irritating that the only two people in my row were the ones who spent the entire film whispering to each other, checking their phones, and at one point one of them announced that he was going to be sick.

… You see, now I kind of feel like I have to watch it, just to find out what could be so terrible. I mean, is it really worse than Scream?