
I got really into The Fall's discography this year. Been spinning Grotesque and Hex Enduction Hour constantly for the past 6 months.

The whole "it's so dense" thing isn't a comment about how bad the story is, it's about how lazily a lot of the scenes were shot. There are so many scenes of two characters walking and talking down some CGI hallway or sitting on couches with a bunch of shit going on outside the windows to make it look more interesting.

Now I feel lucky! My dad chewed out the Barnes and Noble employee that sold me Black Sabbath and Sex Pistols CDs. Thanks for letting me be cool, Dad!

Went to the Halloween Triple Feature at the New Beverly in Hollywood. It was a lot of fun.

It Follows was fun, but disappointing. It didn't seem to know where to go after introducing its premise. I thought Insidious was much better, but we don't really hear about that in think pieces because it's not exactly an arthouse horror flick. I've got high hopes for The Witch, when it finally comes out.

man, henry is terrifying. that ending is a fucking gut punch, even though you know it's coming.

"Lovers Walk" is one of the many hidden gems of his discography

it was too much like Arkham Asylum for my taste. Fine game on its own, but i miss the flexibility that the older games had.

my god, i haven't thought about sonichu in years

well in this world Hannibal got it and he's not delusional like Francis

If you haven't heard the Old 97's, check em out. They're a pretty great band.

it's a miracle it lasted this long, it's a homoerotic gothic horror art film on network TV. Will immediately be subscribing to whatever streaming service or cable network that picks it up.

seriously, the banner ads for the reality shows at the bottom totally ruin the beautiful cinematography. NBC has to realize those shows have different audiences, right???

Now this is what I'm talking about, the artiness combined with narrative momentum. Great episode.

I can't be the only person thinking that this show is in danger of disappearing up its own ass, which is a pity because I really like this show. Almost every conversation is a philosophical discussion of God, fate, etc., whereas last season it was more sparing and balanced out by the more grounded characters like

You're tearing me apart, Lincoln!

A bunch of films about suicide? What is this, sophomore year of film school?

Spiral Stairs' presidential aspirations were quashed after the reveal of his controversial "Two States" policy for California.

Sonic Youth - Winner's Blues (really dope song)
The Smiths - Well I Wonder
The Birthday Party - Dull Day
The Mighty Motos - Broken Home, Broken Heart (Hüsker Dü tribute)
Rolling Stones - It's All Over Now
Sleater-Kinney - Dance Song '97
Turbo Fruits - Catch & Release

I had a dream that I was going to a costume party as Leatherface from Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but then I actually became Leatherface. I didn't kill anyone with a sledge hammer or chainsaw, but I did creep around the house and play with toys.