

That's fair, but that was not the issue being discussed. Furthermore, I'm certain this particular reviewer wouldn't like it very much (and you either probably) if in reaction to his performance regarding this article people started calling for him to lose his job.

That seems about right.

If you listen to some of these POC actors reflecting on average people being excited to see people like themselves being portrayed in these roles then I don't think we can all agree that who plays what character on TV is pretty insignificant. It might be insignificant to you, but not to everyone. Thanks.

Why are you telling people how to live? LOL

Why did you even have the thought? Even Joffrey disapproves.

Too true.

I can be equally offended by both.


It's good to know I was right to quit that show [Hell On Wheels] early on.


How come Amazon appears to be creative and clever in every other aspect of their business except their content studio?

"…trying to elevate clearly gratuitous material by attaching it to a vague sense of historical legitimacy only serves to accentuate the show’s already troubling orientalism."

A+ comments guys. Bravo!!

Almost from the start of this adaptation, the showrunners have ruined many parts of the source material. Glad I quit the show long ago.

I must've laughed for twenty minutes reading all these comments.

This entire site is hipster

You're welcome, patient zero.

Who would've predicted that the Gov would have returned with a tank though. LOL
People get complacent all the time. Most of us don't even have flood insurance. :D

It wasn't a nobody who Beth and Daryl found. It was a child and all that was left was a bloody shoe. That's a lot for anyone to stomach and Beth wasn't really that tough to begin with. It's not like Carl raised his hand to kill his mom. I think your analysis is also a little cold. LOL