Ali Hasan

Ellie seems to be the only likable character. Everyone else seems to be a liar, cheats on their spouse, has anger issues, no morals, or just a despicable person in general.

What is the point of Ollie?

I loved Ellie's almost child like glee when she told Hardy she ate the last of the bread - she is clearly infused with new energy by immersing herself in work.

"The Spy Who Came in For a Cold one" is a Cheers classic. Excellent picture of the core of what a bar is about.

I agree with most of what you wrote, except for Joe and Caitlyn. Joe, his odd push for his kids' romance aside, is a solid character and the actor portraying him does a great job.

It is silly she is the mom on that show. She looks way more younger than her tv husband.

no, no they aren't.

I'm rooting for Dr. Wells. He just oozes cool. Last week's speech to Cisco where he revealed his true identity solidified him as my favorite.

I agree that Sandbrook is the only interesting case.

I can't stand Beth. The Sandbrook case is more interesting.

Seeing Mark with Tom I wondered if he was planning revenge by killing Tom………

she is pretty, was on a popular sitcom, and she is pretty - that is pretty much it.

A really endearing and funny show. Cho and Gillan were excellent as was the supporting cast. ABC should have given it more of a chance. First Happy Endings, now this.

ugh, just leave the franchise alone, come up with something original

just found out about her today - amazing - "Pendulum" is fantastic

FKA Twigs is very good.

Wow. In my book, Interstellar was the best movie of 2014, easily. Especially when seen in 70 mm IMAX - that is what going to the movies is all about.

My number one is Interstellar trailer #2 - great imagery, dialogue, and pacing. And the music is excellent.

There is no emotional connection or resonance with these characters. I'll see the movie because I like that world, but I don't really care what happens. Contrast that to LOTR where the characters were fleshed out, even Gimli.

I love watching the classics, especially Judy Garland movies - they have more soul