
There is a growing number of people who believe that Clarke is using Lexa and I really didn't give that much thought until today. The Clarke that we see, would she have proposed peace—no retaliation, if grounders had attacked her people without provocation? As I ponder this question, I don't think she would have.

I don't have a problem with blood must not have blood when it applies to innocent people. No one should have to pay for crimes committed by others. Lexa's refusal thus far to punish ONLY those responsible (Pike, Bellamy and others) for the attack and subsequent murder of 299 people is astounding to me. Punishing

I really really enjoy action/superhero movies and t.v show. Thus, when I saw the trailer for L.O.T., I was pretty excited. However, the show has been a complete dud and bore to me. I continue to tune in every Thursday because I am hoping that it will grow on me but what a bore. I find none of the characters

I couldn't agree more with this. I have read many comments on the net that Bellamy is acting completely 'out of character' and I've been so taken aback because I wonder if people have forgotten how he was introduced to the audience. He came to the ground because of a murder for hire scheme in an attempt to kill