S. Bean

Thanks for your super-thoughtful response. I just read the whole thing to the husband. Here's basically what he said.

If you wanted to have a reasonable discussion about this, I would present your argument to my husband (who doesn't spend time in the AVClub comments) and ask him what he thought, and see if he has anything more to offer or explain. But since you think he's an awful person who has been corrupted and doesn't give a

The Brady material is an interesting question. I posed it to the prosecutor I happen to be married to, and he said that you have to turn everything exculpatory (meaning proof the guy you're defending didn't do it) over to the defense. Now, there is no proof that Financial Advisor did it. There is motive, and there is

Oh, I care. I'm all over this thread yelling about points 1 and 2!

There is no specific time iimit. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable search (of you personally, or of your property) and seizure (of your body or your property). When they put Nas in the cruiser and took him from his cab to the murder scene, he was effectively arrested without any probable cause to believe

There was a shot through the POV of a security camera or prison camera that said 02/03/15. I don't remember where it was in the episode, but I do remember noting the date.

Ah, I found an interview with the creators. They talk about how they want to show the system, the dehumanization of it, and the way prison breaks a person down. Okay, fine. Noble goal. But it really undermines their interest in taking a hard look at the system when they have to actually rewrite the way the system runs

The critics did. I heard numerous comparisons to Serial and Making a Murderer, both of which are not even fictional. I will have to see if I can find any quotes by the creators, but here are some reviews from HBO's own website:

If you are going to have a gritty, realistic show that purports to take a hard, honest look at the criminal justice system, you have to actually, you know, represent the criminal justice system as it exists. This trial is not taking place in the system as it exists right now, while trying to play that it does.

It really is sad, because I thought this was going to be a good, harsh (albeit fictional) look at our justice system, both the good and the bad, realistic and brutally honest. Unfortunately it hasn't played out that way at all.

I feel like I'm saying this everywhere on this thread, but it's an important point. The prosecution IS NOT allowed to bring in that Adderall thing. It's not relevant to what Nas is on trial for. They are not allowed to bring in the fights at school, either. It's really bad that the show is making it appear that this

Yep, totally unallowable. The entire sections about Nas's dealing, and his fights, would not be allowed in trial unless the defense opened the door. Which they wouldn't, because they're not incompetent.

Oh, of course they can search him for safety. My prosecutor husband's argument is that he shouldn't have been at the police station at all because it was an illegal detention (holding him after his traffic stop). They should've either done sobriety tests and arrested him or let him go, not hold him in limbo for that

See my response (actually my husband's) to JSR.

Okay, I asked my husband, and I'm going to copy and paste his response because I have no idea what I am talking about on this front:

The date on one of the prison video recordings was 02/03/15.

Seriously. WHY IS THAT FUCKING KNIFE EVEN IN EVIDENCE? They found it while illegally holding him!

"The Night Of hasn’t bothered to sermonize about how the entire lives of both defendants and victims are put on trial, because simply showing it happen is more than repulsive enough to make the point. Who gives a shit if Naz sold some Adderall at a hefty markup? Who gives a shift if Andrea bought drugs off that

I watched it with my prosecutor husband and he said that the shit that Weiss pulled vis a vis the fights in high school and Nas's Adderall dealing would NEVER make it into a trial. He would not be allowed to bring any of that in, unless the defense made a big deal of Nas being super peaceful and non-violent. It's not

I prefer to think his name is Dwayne Reid.