S. Bean

Plea deals are great for people who have, you know, actually committed the crime of which they are accused when there is pretty clear evidence of it. No one wants to go through a trial, nor does anyone have time to do it.

Yeah, I'm pretty afraid of a Ray Patterson/Homer situation.

I will never forget a Dear Prudence article I read (when Emily Yoffe was Prudie) where a man wrote in and said he was having thoughts about hurting his little nephew. The thoughts bothered him a lot, but he didn't want to tell his wife because Horrible Thoughts.

I cringed too. It was way too on the nose.

He's the sleaziest. Percent chance he actually had a Mesa Verde bank book (as opposed to looking up that little detail on line): 14%.


As part of the lawsuit, the firms are buried in paperwork. It looked like Kim was going through billing statements and highlighting questionable charges on Sandpiper residents' bills.

Yeah, I strongly disagree with that reading. But whatever.

I have rarely heard anyone on the Lovecast ask permission to cheat so they could stay in a soul-destroying relationship. Mostly it's people who want more sex than they are getting (if they're getting any), who really love their partners, and want to stay married. Ideally their spouse would put out more, but since

I swear that's going to be in the next episode. And later little Kim will talk about how she likes the name North or loves black dudes or something. Ugh. It makes me so mad.

Right? "Where's YOUR closet, honey?" as they look at the giant walk-in.

It feels like dads either get more mellow and open or more hardened and racist over time. My dad chose the former, but so many choose the latter.

I think an interesting exploration would be "what does it take to be forgiven?" Because I don't know the answer. People can say shit and apologize for it and 10 years later someone will bring it up on the internet as an example of why that person is a douchebag. Maybe they were never sorry? Maybe they were, but it

I thought the picture was way too old to be of Simone. More like Otto as a baby. I read it as Mike not wanting to be reminded that this family has real people in it, people who were (and are currently) children. Too humanizing.

Comment from me to the husband: OMG no computer and no smartphone? WHAT DOES HE DO ALL DAY?

We watched Season 1 between Season 2 episodes, and I am a bigger fan of Season 2. I much prefer the Gerhardts to Lorne Malvo's villainry, which is so evil as to be almost comic.

But he also has to work nights and weekends because it looks good.

@ruckcohlchez:disqus Look! Here is someone who agrees with you! And a positive discussion is happening!

I am replying today because I just read the article today, as I just had a chance to watch the show last night and didn't want to spoil anything. So the comments are new to me, too! I wasn't bumping it to call you an asshole, I was bumping it to raise a point that I hadn't seen, from a perspective that hadn't been

As someone unfamiliar with most of the Coen Brothers' films (I've seen several, but only once and I don't have a head for remembering exact details), I find Fargo delightful and smart and easy to understand without having seen any of the movies. So clearly it's holding together just fine. It's not just a copy and