S. Bean

I read the beach scene as the chick completely giving up. "Just come take me, because I don't want to live in terror anymore. I'm done." And as the movie progresses, you understand WHY she might do that. How can you live in constant fear? Just let it end. A brief period of horror, and then it's over forever.

Did anyone ever read Henry Reed books? Henry Reed's Babysitting Service, Henry Reed's Journey? They weren't mysteries or anything, they're just very entertaining books and they hold up really well. (His parents are also missing, but they're diplomats in Europe. He spends summers with his aunt and uncle.)

Whenever I see the word bookkeeper, I remember that EB story and that it has three double letters in a row. It's literally the only thing I remember about Encyclopedia Brown.

Every make-believe game we played outside as kids involved us running away from an orphanage or being on our own without parents. Super fun!

How are you having great sex with someone you don't find attractive in any way?

You know me! (Not really). I met my now-husband on OKCupid. We are ridiculously happy and are going to have a baby very shortly!

I had sex all through my first trimester (and onward) with my husband. I am 36. Has your wife had irregular bleeding or other weird stuff? If that's the case, the recommendation makes sense. Otherwise, go for it.

Why? It's fascinating to me. At first I was like, what is this stupidity? because why are you asking about the colors of a stupid dress. But it really is a jarring thing to ask 13 other people what colors they see and have them say something completely opposite of what my eyes were telling me. That's why it's gone

(You can only go up to 12 in Settlers.) #nerdpedant

That's when you just start spoiling shit for other people and going rogue.

Yeah, Walsh is horrible. I can't read his columns without my blood pressure skyrocketing. Unless you have a very, very high tolerance for bullshit, I don't recommend him. (Also, don't give him clicks, because he SUCKS.)

Yep. One week (at most) of short, kind of flirty messages (one per day) and then propose a meeting. Drinks, something casual. Any person worth her salt should either decline or accept and then you have your answer. If she puts you off or doesn't suggest an alternate time….NEXT!

"I like being able to look someone in the eyes while I talk with them and can gauge their reaction to the things I'm saying."

I…don't understand this. An inch of what? How did prostate surgery change his length?

I am a girl who met her husband on OKC.

See, I didn't get that at all. I think he was pointing out what happened when a person who thought of herself as good was confronted with some people who were really actually trying to Be Good, and all the fucking complications and hardships that ensued. (Actually doing hard work of goodness is really uncomfortable

I loved that book, but it is not an uplifting or self-helpy tome.

When I first met the dude that is now my husband (via OKCupid) it wasn't like I immediately thought, "I'm going to marry this guy" or anything. We had a fun date, we decided to hang out again, and it definitely grew from there. It wasn't until date 3 or 4 that I was like "damn, I really like this guy." So don't freak

My favorite is "Because they're stupid. That's why everybody does everything."

I'm just talkin' 'bout dad!