S. Bean

It's because 1-2 year olds are so fucking hard to deal with. They can't be reasoned with, they are mobile and can just run away, and they communicate mainly by screeching (or so it seems to me). Three and four year olds can communicate and be communicated with and will occasionally do what you ask them to, especially

Those 8th graders know.

On our team no one cares if you drink or not. I am pregnant and drink water right now.

I am like 60 miles west of Philly and no one calls it Quizzo out here, either. I find it baffling.

2) KLM
4) AWD
5) IQ
6) GOP
7) UT

The only thing I remember about this movie is the "I've Got A Dollar" song.

Oh, and also when he talks about how 8th graders can always pinpoint your greatest insecurities. His girlish hips.

The best is when he talks about murders before DNA testing was a thing.

Am I on the internet? *types on all the keys*

I should do a test with a bunch of women that men don't know and make them guess, honestly, how much each woman weighs. Because based on my anecdotal evidence it's a thing, but it's yet unproven by science!

Sounds like he meant "no fat chicks" but decided "petite" was the way to say it.

Also, men seem to have some real skewed ideas about women's weights and what XXX lbs actually looks like. My husband has guessed that I'm 30 pounds lighter than I actually am, and a teacher in high school did the same thing. So if the BBW gives her weight as 250, is this dude going to imagine 350 and decide that's too

I don't get off at all from PIV, and while I enjoy how it feels, it is a lot for my partner's pleasure. I love when he comes. If I heard him say "I don't care if I get off at all" it would ruin it for me, seriously.

Dan only advises people to straight-up cheat in very specific circumstances, and even then he advocates for openness with a partner. His positions are more nuanced than people give him credit for.

It never gave me that impression at all. I felt like most of my options were bad/skeevy or just not a good fit. I chose to online date because I got to look for people who I knew were possibly interested in a relationship or dating and who I could learn a little bit about.

Well, I would be except its about the after-effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. So that doesn't lend itself to japery.

I'm reading an article from August 1946 right now. It's a scanned version of the magazine, just digitized, but definitely readable. The archives are all available.

And all of Africa is exactly the same! Every single part.

Well, no, because then people will applaud.

Yes! I liked that one, too. (This one was totally forgettable, IMO.)