S. Bean

That is a dark, dark book. (Also one of my favorites of his.) And more easily adaptable, I suppose.

Remember when I took that wine-making class and forgot how to drive?

Pursuing is good! Yay! It'll become clear if he keeps blowing off your dates that this is something you don't need to pursue.

If you try again to set up a date and something happens (he cancels without proposing a new time), you should probably give up. If I really wanted to see someone and I had to cancel, I would absolutely say "I can't tonight, and I'm sorry, but what about Friday?"

Yeah, no. Word on your street is wrong. OKC has a shit ton of LTR seekers, or at least people who are looking for more than hookups. I know a lot of people in LTRs, including me, who met their SO on OKC.

The M. Night Shyamalan: Nothing, with a twist.

Yes, as someone born in 1978 with clear memories of the Noid, it's shocking to me that people from the mid-80s have no recollection of that thing.

That's the thing! I know I could get skinny. I would have to eat Slimfasts or cereal or a sole Lean Cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would have to be hungry. I could rarely have treats.

What will happen to all the Fox stations that show local news at 10, I wonder?

There's a big difference between one's life at 22 and one's life at 32.

Dan didn't even come close to lecturing the boyfriend. He barely said anything about him.

He meant the "drinks too much and acts like a slob," not the fact that the guy wanted to be monogamous.

But asexual means "doesn't desire sexual activity" not "without a sex."

Well, just because they're gender neutral in presentation doesn't mean they don't have genitalia of some kind. Would it be easier to accept them as gender neutral if you were eating out their pussy?

The writer is using "their" as a gender neutral singular pronoun, since one doesn't exist in English (at least one that's recognized universally). The writer's partner doesn't identify as man or woman.

Yeah, they don't have mustaches because at the time the rules were made, the mustache was seen as too militaristic.

The song was lamenting the good old days!

If this woman is good at boundaries and compartmentalizing, then yeah, a little fun with Mr. Right Now is totally doable. But, based on what she's posting all over her FB, boundaries aren't something she does particularly well.

Let it go. LET IT GO. Do not take up this woman's time by dicking around with her. She wants a kid. She's probably going to start thinking "maybe I can change his mind" and that will be super unhealthy and messy. Seriously, you can't give her what she ultimately wants, so don't mess around with her. (She's coming back