
This reads like Tony Soprano getting more and more angry in one of his therapy sessions.

Obama is celebrating 9/11 by announcing another war in Iraq. I wonder if that's meant to be ironic too?

You seem to take this issue very seriously, and I'm not sure why.

The Pitchfork review was very catty, even by their standards. I'm not a huge Interpol fan but to keep calling them shallow… shallow compared to what? They may have a signature sound but they're not any more formulaic and rigid than the vast majority of other acts.

I give you permission to like Is This It without feeling ashamed.

"Oh, good for yoooouuuu!!" - Christian Bale

Well yes - as a company that relies on cultural awareness it can't not have those historical milestones there somewhere. But, with the exception of JFK, I'd say what surprised most was how in the background they ended up being. Everyone was waiting for that first Beatles moment, and what do we get? An offhand

I think the nostalgia element of Mad Men is overstated, that surely couldn't have lasted for any viewer beyond season 1. If anything, the period setting is to show how *little* has changed.

‘How does one of my contemporaries get treated like a contemporary artist, and how do I get treated like I’m supposed to play Siamese Dream for the rest of my life?’

I love both bands, but they really don't sound alike.

Season 5 is a mess, but an enjoyable mess. Season 6 was just terrible. Not just the finale, all of it. You could pretend The Incident was the last ever episode.

Modern Family will win again… and again… and again.

Oh True Detective. Why didn't you stick to the miniseries category and sweep it?

Dunno, but Search and Destroy and Gimme Danger are probably the two greatest opening tracks on ab album ever.

Doc Ock was a shallow character that Molina gave a lot of heart. If another actor had done it he wouldn't have been nearly as engaging, because it wasn't there in the script.

Except when that film is Juno.

"But this is the film that made Sam Jackson, well, Sam Jackson. It made him the coolest guy on the planet."

It's Res Dogs for me too. It's lean, audacious, and remains a thrilling statement of intent. How he was in his 20s when he made that I'll never quite know.

"But remember when Nike used The Beatles “Revolution” to sell some sneakers? Yeah, so they were all full of shit, then."

Ross got funnier as it went on. In fact by the later seasons he was the only one that made me laugh. He was interminable in the first 2-3 years though.