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    props for including edit the sad parts.

    My own futile attempt at a top ten:
    1. Tundra/Desert
    2. Sad Sorta Angry
    3. Edit The Sad Parts
    4. Doin' The Cockroach
    5. Cowboy Dan
    6. Exit Does Not Exist
    7. Truckers Atlas
    8. The World At Large
    9. Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In
    10. Wrong Decision

    No. Not denying the rumors does not confirm them. Addressing the rumors would only exacerbate them. There's VERY little evidence for these rumors, while there's a great deal of evidence for Cosby being a rapist.

    Ugh, you people are tiring. Anything can be funny. Humor exists to help people deal with terrible things. Joking about bad things does not trivialize them. Louis CK did not show support for Woody Allen.

    Wyoming- What Is Wyoming…

    Cried for the first time in at least a year.

    Yeah, I've been calling them AJJ for the past couple months without having heard about the name change.