Tim Mueller

But apparently they give enough of a shit to rant about her and make the whole thing about whether or not she's talented despite doing way better than them.

Sorry you didn't get it.

I'm sure they'll cancel it immediately.

I guess you just didn't get it.

I work with a woman named Barb Dwyer. Not even joking.

The worst at what?

Stupid answer.

Because it was less than a week.

Yawn. So desperate.

Which is absolutely not true, but when you choose willful ignorance to support your agenda, that's how tit is.

Only if you don't agree with them.

What about them? They often have great work ethics and are very family oriented.

Which is none.

When you conspire with Russia.

For white trash people who don't like to think.

For white trash people who don't like to think.

If you think skill doesn't factor in, you haven't been paying attention.

If you think skill doesn't factor in, you haven't been paying attention.

You'd fuck anything.

You'd fuck anything.