Tim Tran

I have a feeling because he's poor, so her dad doesn't want her to be with a poor man.

eh. Disney is famous for its animated films for a reason. If WWII hadn't happened, we would have a slew of consecutive groundbreaking films during Disneys Golden Age. Pixar still can't hold a candle to Snow White, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, or Bambi.

its biggest franchises right now are the 2 animation brands (tho Pixar is slowing down a bit), Marvel, Star Wars, and a slew of live action fairy tales.

more like screams conservatives, coz theyre the only ones stopping disney from having a gay character onscreen.

but without all the controversy becoz, hey, its implied since the beginning and we all know it lol.

really? I find it very interesting. everything is exaggerated and cartoonish, giving it a distinctive look.

actually, the raptors have feathers lol

I'm kinda confused as to how Peridot doesnt know what wheels are. they're advanced aliens, but havent invented wheel??

Steven said he never been to a hospital lol……coz Rose didnt go to the hospital when she magically turned into a baby.

I'd prefer Mad Max: Furiosa.

is this live action? if it is, count me in, coz we need more original Disney movies.
but considering how Darwin's work was used to justify slavery, monopoly, and tons of those things in the past, lol


3 ok to bad movies came out in a row after about 12 years of masterpieces. im sure we're all let down. but thats just coz of the bar they set. if dreamworks make 3 stinkers and 1 good film (last year), im 100% sure people still fine with the studio.

i read many different reviews already, and the film polarizes the critics. meaning its probably 50/50, not horrible….

he has 4 masterpieces under his belt. and this one seems to be mediocre at least, so i dont think that hurts anything.

lets hope this one is actually good and named Legend of Quorra.

Since no one is expecting Lucasfilm to do anything but Star Wars these days, its pretty easy to keep secrets like this. If they can keep a secret to Episode 7 that tightly, they can do it with this one too.
And I think vecoz this was in development before the acquisition, Disney wants to dump this film in January to

Didn't making the prequels already ruined childhoods?

Lucas isn't directing.

look at those comments tho lol. theyre all super religious and think we're idiots.