
What indication do we have the Meeks' handler was German? Historically all the spying at Los Lamos was done for the Soviets (mostly out of ideological motivation), and that's what I assumed Meeks was doing. Occam told Isaacs that he expected that the information went to the Russians and then somehow the info about the

I think the show exaggerates the power and the nastiness of the security people. Even in relation to the Manhattan Project they couldn't just take people out in the desert and execute them Mafia-style. There were some spies and saboteurs executed by the Americans and British during the war but they were all given

The show is historically correct on that point - they first thought they'd do a gun model, Thin Man, with plutonium, found out it wouldn't work because the reactor plutonium didn't have the correct mix of isotopes an couldn't be enriched using the methods they used for uranium, and so switched to the implosion model,