
Gentlemen, we are in the presence of greatness. An SSC recipient, no less. The scum always rises. I am sorry to say I really don't care what you think. The Internet is full of trash. You illustrate the point well.

Good news - you have been nominated for the coveted Silver Scumbag Citation for significant spewing above and beyond the requirements of common sense and common decency. Well done.

You are as predictable as the layer that rises to the surface down at the sewage treatment plant, and about as fragrant. Oh wait, that is what scum is.

Ah, the return of 'Ole Bark and Spew'. I see you got some fresh filth there Barky (you don't mind if I call you Barky?). Well done. I guess you know what you are good at. Please carry on.

Nothing. Actually, the opinion of a scumbag doesn't count for much anyway. Please get help. Scumbaggery runs in families, but is treatable, if you don't let it go too long.

Aw, come on. That is lame. As a professional scumbag, you should have more pride in your work.

Who says there is never a scumbag around when you need one?

I need to apologize for the nasty comment I made about Alex Jones. I didn't realize you were his bitch. Please forgive me.

Who says there is never a scumbag around when you need one? Welcome back.

I am always glad to learn something like that without having to experience it myself. I feel sorry for the dogs though. You are truly an exemplary scumbag. A veritable cream of the crud.

Sorry, but the opinion of Internet-based scum is pretty far down on my list of things to be concerned about. Go back to barking, or was it spewing?

I know you can't help being a scumbag, but you could, at least, try to be creative.

Bark bark. Spew spew.

Bark, bark, bark. It is impressive that you can spew such vile nonsense on demand.

I am betting you don't even remember why you decided to attack me in the first place. Not that it matters too much. I presume you are going to just keep barking? I can think of no better term for the mindless name-calling. Ah well, carry on. I realize some of this is my fault. I really thought you might have

I have a suggestion for you. Since you want to scare other people so badly, why not get a few of your scumbag buddies together and you can all bark in unison. Then, I might be real scared. In fact, we all would. Then you could feel like you accomplished something.

That's it Chihuahua? You have outdone yourself this time.

I knew you would be back. When you've gotta bark, you've gotta bark. In all sincerity, this whole interchange has been a real eye opener for me. It was kind of like a trip to DMV, or maybe a walk down the street in a slum area. We all know there are people out there who are not like us, but we don't associate with

Bark bark bark.I will admit I am curious. What is it I am supposed to be afraid of? You can fit that in with the barking.

Is that barking I hear?. Very nice. Using big words can sometimes make it seem that you actually know something. A thesaurus is a good tool here. Your parents could also be helpful. Do you know who they are? Bark bark bark.