
Yeah, I even noticed some mannerism that resembled more Mr. Robot than Elliot when he was giving his rant.

"Melania'd". Made my day. Thank you for that.

I would love to see Gideon's husband's perspective, for sure.


Absolutely LOVED when Elliot was hallucinating and there were really colorful clothes in a washing machine, kind of imitating the waiting wheel from who knows what internet browser. Hat's off, Esmail.

That's also a really good possibility i hadn't considered.

At first, nothing really came to mind, but now that think about it, maybe Gideon's death could be the key to help Elliot break his routine. Elliot acknowledges that Gideon was one of the good guys, so maybe he feels guilty of his death (Elliot, afterall, hacked Allsafe and basically ruined Gideon's life. And, as Mr.

Haha, it would be interesting of you would get a reply.

"Dissociative phenomena appeared common after mild TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and scores on the Dissociative Experiences Scale predicted brain injury outcome with 77% accuracy."

I knew it! Guess that was a little wink at what was to come when Darlene hacked Susan's house.

Man, that was dark. The journal entries were such a nice touch, they really add in on the atmosphere of the season.

Man, i can't get that scene out of my head. And his face. It was the true definition of pain and torture. How do you just act that? That felt so genuine and unbelievably real.

Yeah, i also felt really curious about the missing images. Guess that that's all there is to find in the website for now. Thanks for checking it out, though.

God, how to even sum up my favorite parts about this episode? Where to begin?

No problem, maybe there is more to come! Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

Yes, that's the episode's name. A really great one, now that I remember.

I think that's the safest bet.

Wow, I'm gonna have to watch the episode again, specifically that part. Those scenes pass by so quickly. Ironically, if it wasn't for the annoying narration when i watched the premiere in USA (was i the only one with the weird narration? Is that a new thing in USA Network?), I probably wouldn't have been able to make

So i clicked the link for Confictura Industries, and I remembered a nifty little trick i learned from watching and obsessing over a show called "Gravity Falls" (Fallers, represent!):