
1) Not at any midnight showing I've attended.

Let us say that the severely underpaid, undertrained security force that Regal fields finds a gun. Then what? Presumably, the more reasonable gun owners will agree to leave their weapon in their vehicle, while the madmen will start shooting in the lobby instead of in the theatre. Those in between these extremes—…

Now I'm curious. Do the citizens of Philadelphia so routinely destroy one another's property, for no particular reason, that remarking upon it evokes even more hostility?

I miss the square, stern policy wonks that used to have their moment on the primary stage.

Since I was a child, my mother has tried unsuccessfully to get me to read that book. I keep telling her that I, now in my thirties, do not dispute that it's probably a great book. I simply have no wish to sob inconsolably for hours; certainly not when I can prevent it.

Well, that has more to do with my hatred of children than any love for Obama.

Even if we accept your rather charitable interpretation of Gov. Huckabee's remarks, it's still a foolish thing to say. The alternatives to a deal are a complete collapse of international sanctions, unrestricted development of a nuclear weapon, and war. Israel is more secure with a deal than without one.

We have taken the man-vote!
We have a mandate!

I look forward to Sen. Cruz's upcoming platform changes. Eliminating money, fostering international (later interstellar) government, and completely free, limitless energy for all sentient beings.

If they're unable to make this work, yet another slot on NBC opens up for the triumphant return of The Cape!

It's possible she's less than pleasant, but that's no excuse for the government agents she encounters to abuse their authority.

Germany had some cause for thinking along such lines. Churchill certainly toyed with the idea of re-arming Germany and pushing the Soviets out of Europe. Several military commanders advocated invasion as well, since conflict with the Soviets was thought to be all but inevitable and the West was all ready mobilized.

Jeremy Brett is your man.

The "woman seen with" Barney is Japanese, not Chinese.

Observe, gentlemen, the proper way of doing things, even in death.

At least their counter offer wasn't the suggestion that she audition for the role of the man's mother.

When I'm in the mood for something bitter.

Illusory superiority is a theory propounded by communists, islamofascists, and their useful idiots.

I do like crackers.

Or perhaps it's a reaction to the tendency of white Americans to avoid discussing the still extant societal issues that spring from those events by suggesting that it's "old news", "all happened so long ago", or even "has all ready been settled".