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    yeah, I knew even as I was typing it that opposite was the wrong term. It's more that Kilgrave doesn't give a damn about the consequences to his actions and the Doctor has extreme guilt from them. They're both sociopaths in their own way, but at least in the case of being with the Doctor, it's done entirely by free

    I watched 8 episodes last night and am on episode 9 right now. I think I need at least a day's break before the last 4 episodes. I know this one will end with a cliffhanger, but this show is getting way too depressing. I was not made for binging.

    He's looks and sounds so much like the Doctor, it's awful. I think if it had been any other actor I wouldn't have been half as disturbed, but take an actor who played a kind, morals-driven man (who was sometimes righteously angry) and give him the exact opposite part. OOF. The creeps.

    I like Wes Anderson and I agree. His schtick is fun, but I don't want any more than 1 movie every 2-3 years, thank you.

    I'm just assuming the text is a play on Rushmore's "I saved latin, what did you ever do?"

    I made the mistake of watching Twin Peaks when I lived alone in a giant old apartment house by myself right after college (everyone else had moved out). I stayed up until 6am watching it one night because every episode was so scary that I just wanted to keep watching until something good happened. Spoiler, that never

    The first time I heard "Substance" was on the dance floor of a dive bar. I knew it was New Order immediately but hadn't heard it before. I think it's my favorite "end of the night" song now.

    I just said the same in a comment above. I usually buy postcards of some of my favorite paintings while traveling to send to people, but I couldn't buy one of Guernica. None of them captured the mood well enough.

    2 paintings have really done that to me:

    I read Sword of Shannara before Lord of the Rings so I thought it was good. I am very grateful to the friend who stopped me reading the rest of the books and instead gave me LotR, at which point I realized Shannara was kind of garbage.

    Both from youtube videos that were trendy like 10 years ago:
    "H'okay, so…" (ze end of ze world)
    "Not my chair, not my problem."

    Listened to a few of her songs the other day. They were fun, synthy background to have at work. The next day I realized I couldn't remember any of the words or melodies to teh songs. It's a fun album, but honestly kind of forgettable. Plus, I'd rather listen Heartthrob to get my 80s synth on.

    The way stereogum pushes Chief Keef reeks of payola, except I'm not sure who would be paying them to do it.

    I knew I recognized the story from somewhere! That arc was my favorite of KSD's run.

    His damn letter jingle will forever be caught in my head.

    I once played this at a bar in revenge for the terrible metal that someone put on the jukebox for hours. If anyone ever needs to clear a bar of obnoxious people, just play this song. Granted, my friends also wanted to leave as well.

    I think what also amazes me is the amazing number of songs they put out in about 6 years. Granted, they weren't touring, but still 6 years for that size of catalogue is astonishing.

    Same here. This news makes me really sad. They've come back into heavy rotation lately.

    Having grown up in Danvers I'm really happy the town never embraced the witch idiocy (aside from putting a memorial up in front of a soccer field for no discernible reason) but I'm also quick to point out to people that all this stuff started in Danvers, not Salem. If you're going for a historically accurate tour

    Spotify is notorious for lumping bands with the same name into one listing, so I think I listened to one Ceremony and hated them, but saw a different one. Pretty sure this review is for the band I liked.