
Truest statement ever written.

Better yet, just go to your room.

It's not about the prestige; it's just the very fact that this wasn't what she signed on to do. And, okay, maybe it's a little prestige. But not because it's TV, in general. It's because it's *this.* This is a HUGE step down for the franchise. None of these actors should be keen on continuing in it.

I read that and I was like, huh? Relatively well-received by whom? In comparison to what?

That's exactly the point. She's not *above* TV. She's in that HBO series coming out next year, after all. She agreed to do that. She didn't agree to *this*.

The *really* stupid thing is that there is no need for a fourth movie at all. The last movie actually covered the entire plot of the third book. The story is over. There is no more plotline left. Whatever they thought they were going to do in Ascendant was going to be completely made up.

Sadly, it's because the genre as a whole is considered passe for movie audiences. The YA adaptation craze is old and people are tired of these movies that all *seem* like copycats of each other. There are a lot of well-written YA books that have been optioned for movie deals, and would likely make *great* movies, but

Maybe, but you know, it's been years and years since he bought it from Derek. Long enough that it took Owen several beats to even realize why Meredith was looking all funny about it. It was nice of him to say so after the fact, but really, there was no reason for him to attempt to sell it back to Meredith first. She'd

Arizona won physical custody. Callie didn't lose her legal rights. If Sofia needs a medical procedure, both Arizona and Callie have to consent. Sofia will just go home to Arizona afterwards.

Meredith being an adoptive parent herself, objecting to moving her kids across the country when their lives were here, and the fact that she herself was also in Sofia's place when Ellis ran off to Boston made it nonsensical that she chose to testify for Callie and not Arizona.

Which means that any episode now Amelia's due to revert back to being an annoying shrieking hosebeat, because no one is allowed to human and likeable for too long. Except Alex, and that's only because he barely has any screentime or storyline at all.

"Plus I thought that Penny was staying out of the fight so why was she encouraging Callie to get people on her side ? "

I like that both Ben and Bailey were called out for their behavior, because they're both right in what they want but wrong in how they're going about it. Ben needed to have it beaten into his head that he was rightfully punished for doing something bad, but he didn't like it so he found a way to get around it — and

That's what I'm saying. If it's so easy to just pop on over to New York, as Callie says Arizona can do to see Sofia, then why can't Callie just pop over to visit Penny and forget about this moving nonsense? Why does Arizona have to bend over backwards because of Callie's crazy decision? I mean, if she must, she will,

If Sofia is going to be living with her and Callie, then yes, Penny will be taking an active role in her life and upbringing and some of the decisions that come with that. But she can't be involved in the decision of whether or not Sofia goes along with Callie to New York, period, or the argument over whether that is

No, I think Penny's reaction was completely on point. This dilemma happened because of her, and her job, but it's not *about* her. This is a problem between Callie and Arizona, not Callie and Arizona and Penny. This isn't her fight, and Sofia isn't her daughter and she doesn't have a right yet to opine her thoughts

I'm actually kind of glad they didn't bring up the mass shooting thing, because that's not really what the issue is here and that's not the point they're trying to get across. In that situation, you had a crazed man stock up with how many rounds of ammunition in order to commit a series of murders. The argument there,

I think I saw a sign for Shadowy Nudes on the interstate…

You can't "win" with $0.

Well, in the usual case of players having different scores and different margins of leadership going into FJ, betting it all is usually poor strategy for anyone except the person in a not-too-distant third place, if a Hail Mary wager would actually be their only chance at winning. Those in leading positions would only