Prom King

I can't remember a season yet where a clear winner emerged this early.


I think a lot of people who are looking at the editing are forgetting that Aubry has been a solid contender since the first episode. The edit gave her a full-blown arc in that first episode, from emotional breakdown to challenge savior. No one else received that, and she has continued to be featured more positively

I think Hantz was much more of a goat than Abi. Except for Danielle, Hantz stuck with his core alliances. Abi - never.

I don't think Probst would love an Aubry win. She is not an overtly dominant male or a flirty female, and those are the kinds of winners that Probst likes. That's where his enthusiasm lies because he has a reductive outlook towards Survivor players. He was lukewarm towards San Juan Del Sur and Natalie was everything

And Tai's turn at evil was actually more effective, causing Aubry to assume that Scot did it to throw the votes his way. Which helped her to focus on Julia. And then Debbie…

I skimmed through all of the infection scenes (deal enough with that at my job) so this was a great episode for me. So much fun! And a great Aubry monologue at the end.

I get where you are coming from, but there was just something about seeing so many players being enjoyable just by being themselves that made me overlook that.

I'm pretty convinced that a woman wins this season, if only because Probst is so lukewarm about this season. Much like he was with SJDS.

Well he's wearing a person suit, at least.

I can't help but wonder if, back in the day, Jason was one of those geeks. He seems to overcompensate a bit much, in his comments and his attitude in general.

I like the way your thoughts are going. I'm also thinking that a women's alliance could resurface, if only because the edit is featuring the idea so much.

It's called THE EDITING. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

Unlike Nick, we've seen Michelle be a part of forming an alliance. The edit has shown nothing negative from her and so no reason to disbelieve her assertion. Unlike Michelle, we've seen Nick act foolishly and be labeled as both foolish and untrustworthy by other players and the editors. Everything we've seen so far

Is that perceptive though? Recognizing that Debbie loves to be heard is like recognizing that fire is hot. He was the opposite of perceptive when it came to his cringe-inducing talk with Michelle.

I agree with everything you've said and would add that her cartoony, Phillip Shepard-like personality (but nice!) adds another layer of protection for her. People trust her and that goofiness makes them also underrate her strategic abilities.

For the most part I think Carrie is a great reviewer (and this is a great review), but I just can't get on board with this:

Thanks. And yikes, that's terrible.

What?!? Can you explain the Liz-skin grafts part a bit more? Was it due to something from the island?

I love you, Dān Jurzōn. You are saying everything I've wanted to say about this show and Hannah in particular, but have been too embarrassed and inarticulate to actually say. Yay for you!