Prom King

I love that Jason actually thinks saying "I may be one of the best bounty hunters in southeast Michigan" sounds incredibly impressive. He needs to level up a bit when bragging.

Liz told her the plan directly, at the well.

Dan and Will are about equal to me. Will had one completely over the top repulsive episode. Dan had many slightly less over the top repulsive episodes. I'd have both in my bottom ten players of all time.

Posts like this make me suddenly want to root for him.

I would, without even a second thought. Mom would understand.

I would say it was the editors asking us that.

Pete and Liz are like the cartoon versions of Spencer and Shirin! I'm glad you made that comparison, there's been something so familiar about their dynamic these past episodes.

What is this real life water scandal?

Yeah, that's why it's sort of liked. Not even sure if I'll end up rooting for him. Even Ice Cream Salesman, who actually makes one of my favorite ice creams, is not immune to the lameness that seems to be affecting many of the players.

Ah, well that explains it. Thanks!

I don't care how he looks, his personality is more than enough for me. Ugh.

Amazing how my crush just evaporated.

But didn't someone say that was the designated dumping zone or something like that?

Oh yay, more bullying.

I cringed so much at so many characters that I forgot all about Nick and E/R Doctor. They were terrible.

Probst is a moron. Early season winners aren't compelling? Ugh.

There was a lot not to enjoy in this premiere. I'm going to try to remember Aubry the most because she was the most interesting and enjoyable part.

She's one of my favorite characters, but I'm not sure life in Alexandria has had a positive an effect on her. When she's not busy sneaking around in disguise as Stepford Carol, she has a serious case of the nihilistic grumps.

Hate watching something just means that your life is a sad and empty place and you'd rather get off on hating something then actually spend some time doing something you enjoy. Oh the pathos of people like you! Must be a frustrating existence.

Your opinion is a troll. Isn't there a bridge somewhere that's missing you?