Prom King

I'm so sick of Zach "reviewing" this show. I just wish he'd stop. An A episode, in my opinion.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that Earth-1 Jay Garrick is Hunter Zolomon is Zoom. I really was not expecting that!

My plan would be to ditch her sometime between 2 and 4 am before things get ugly. Quality not quantity when it comes to time spent with Abi on drugs, or not on drugs.

I guess we're just not going to agree on this because clearly I saw things quite differently. Tasha was absolutely not a goat. Her game play may have not been on the level of Spencer, Wentworth, and Jeremy, but I'd put her right below them, with or even above Ciera. Tasha made effective moves both before and after the

It's like you're reaching to deny Tasha any agency whatsoever in either of those boots. I'm not a fan of Tasha but I will give her her credit where it's due.

But we're not talking about Jeremy! We were talking about whether or not Tasha did anything strategic post-merge. And that is something she did. Just the one thing and it was also due to her brief faux women's alliance. But she can lay a claim to Joe's elimination in a way that Jeremy and Spencer and poor Stephen

She had to convince Jeremy and Spencer.

King of the Goats! I love watching him lose, it almost makes up for how annoying he is throughout the rest of the season(s).

I agree with all of that, of course. She's the best. But none of what you described were "moves", they were all a part of an ongoing game strategy that led to her win. That's how a lot of great players win - less about specific moves, more about ongoing positioning and influence.

She's my all-time favorite!

Well, she did get rid of Joe. That was all her.

notwithstanding his "arrogant moment" (please) seemed like a likable guy who got along well with people

Sandra actually made at least one solid move per season (flipping the girls on Johnny Fairplay in her first, getting Russell to vote out Coach on her second). But those weren't flashy moves for sake of creating exciting strategy and building a resume, they were moves that allowed her to avoid elimination. She's not

The best part is that Sandra turned Russell into HER goat. Just like Natalie White did to him in his prior season. Russell beats even Phillip as King of the Goats.

I can't either, which definitely sucks for people like Sherri and Tash whose major game moves were pre-merge. But it doesn't mean that Tasha or Sherri didn't do diddly. They did a lot more in their seasons than other players in those seasons' juries.

Spencer, Jeremy and Wentworth were far better players than her.

Savage. Doing drugs with Abi isn't amazing, it's a no-brainer. What fool wouldn't?

Nice! She was a great character.

But that's the beauty of how someone wins Survivor. It is a purely personal decision and so there is no right or wrong way to vote. If someone respects strategy they can vote that way and if someone likes a friend they made on Survivor Island or is bitter over being betrayed, they'll vote that way. It makes it more

I'd say just outside of top 10. Too many errors in judgment to go much higher but he was in charge for about two-thirds of the game and socially he was impeccable.