Prom King

Oh my God. That is amazing!

Tasha talked hard but didn't do diddly

What was that question? I'm so curious now!

Vytas's problem was that he told production he wanted to see his son, and then he actually ended up going on a vacation to Tahiti without his son

That was such a good burn though, I have to give Tasha props.

HA! Perfect use of that phrase.

But horoscopes are fun! They are a great way to make snap judgments about people without the annoyance of actually getting to know them. In this modern world, who has the time?

I have no idea how I do it. Probably a symptom of some serious mental health issues.

Abi is rarely clued in to the thoughts and emotions of other people.

Sure she did. Wentworth's plan was to blindside Tasha and this is what she assumed her partner Abi would go along with… but Abi decided to go with Kimmi et al's plan to vote out Keith. Abi tried to flip, and failed.

It was beautiful watching Abi getting voted out right as she was betraying yet another alliance (this time with Wentworth). She was such an enjoyable, memorable part of the season for me, I'm so happy she made it this far. Great villain.

That's exactly who she betrayed by thinking she was going with Kimmi/Tasha/Jeremy's original plan. Perfect blindside.

Abi's vote made sense because she thought she was in an alliance with Tasha, Jeremy, and Kimmi, and that they were all voting according to the plan made post-reward. She had flipped yet again, this time on Wentworth. Thus both her smugness pre-tribal and her surprise at tribal.

"LA" is the abbreviation for Louisiana so I assume that is what he meant. Awkward way to refer to a state though.

Those were my thoughts exactly at the time. Helen is her name and she was one of the few truly interesting people on that season. I remember especially enjoying her singing, of all things.

I would just like to point out that Keith hails from Keithville (in Louisiana). Which is perfect.

*4th greatest

Cirie also originated another great strategy that season: pre-merge, keep the weaker players so that there's always one person ahead of her on the chopping block. She's one of the best.


Post-merge is even better second time around. Pre-merge is even more boring except for Drewche elimination. Still, that post-merge string of episodes makes me rank the season fairly highly.