Prom King

True but I was surprised at how close the votes were between Clay and Brian. I think 4 and 3?

My subjective outlook on the matter is that your uninformed perspective has led you to make an unintentionally provocative, incorrect statement regarding The Leftovers. Alas!

What, exactly, is the correct way to consume dramatic narration?

This reviewer has issues. The creators of Into the Badlands may watch Game of Thrones like everyone else in the world, but this show is not based on that style of a story. It is based on Hong Kong action films and comic books. OBVIOUSLY.

He's an international assassin in a dream world afterlife and that means he gets to kill whoever the fuck he wants. But then I may just be applying my own dream logic to Kevin's dream, except I would have also shot that rude balloon man.

Stop watching.

Your review was very interesting and except for a few glitches here and there, you've been doing a great job all season. But that comment on Virgil being a magical negro trope was lazy, reductive thinking. If Virgil was the only black person on the show, then maybe your point would have held water. But Virgil is one

Upvote for referencing one of the most fantastic hours ever seen on the X-Files. Kudos!

You're watching it wrong.

Well said! Thank you for being smart. Some of these comments are really driving me up the wall.

Unfortunately he's not the only one. Despite the viewer being given nothing to think that sexual abuse is happening, people will still persist in going there for some stupid reason or another.

Maybe. But for me it just comes down to the basic idea that I think most plastic surgery makes people's faces look strange. That's what I see when I look at Wiggleworth: a strangely distorted and immobile face.

Or the Horsemen blindside. Or the John Carroll blindside! Both are so awesome.

I like Spencer but that comment was classic Spencer at his most insufferable. I enjoy Spencer because of that insufferable core of his that keeps rising to the surface no matter how much he is trying to turn into a real boy with real, non-condescending feelings. It's too much of a part of him to ever entirely go away.

I can't unsee it either and I try to every time she's on screen. Sorta depressing. She looks… strange.

What a beautiful episode! Such an entertaining and deserved blindside. I came across a couple bizarre opinions last week that thought Savage's edit was actually supposed to be a positive underdog edit rather than the same exact arrogant failed leader edit of his first season. I almost doubted my own memory of this

Eh, not really. Season three established that the producers can change anything they want to change and so the rules of Survivor can change without warning. Players can't do whatever they want and expect the producers to give them money. And so these rules change by the season and players are not told in advance how

But rules are made to be broken (and other cliches)!

Yes, and that's another thing that's entertaining. He uses that same rich, nuanced voice that I'm sure he uses to convince his clients - and probably succeeds in convincing himself as well.

Coach brings in religion which for me equals Savage > Coach. Also, Savage picks on guys he thinks are wimpy and sneaky, while Coach picks on girls he thinks are against him, and the latter is more uncomfortable for me to watch, so that also makes Savage > Coach.