Prom King

Definitely! I hope he's a poor loser, that should make up for not getting to see him on the Pearl Islands jury.

The entertaining part of Savage trashing the lying aspect of the game is that he does it himself - and when he doesn't even need to do it. To Lil in his first season, to Spencer in this season. And he's actually an excellent liar, very believable.

I wouldn't suspect that, at least based on the edit. I don't recall many, if any, one-on-one scenes between the two. Although I'd love to see it happen.

As far as I've seen, Savage has never been truly likeable, on either of his seasons - unless a person likes douchebags with a regal presence. He's a Coach who is more intelligent, more charismatic, less of a clown, and just as much of a hypocrite with no self-awareness.

Classic Spencer.

It's not the first time I've blown your mind with my opinions! I think overall we may watch this show very differently.

Absolutely. It's important to have a positive and proactive attitude, whether or not you do know, realistically, where you stand. Not many truly do, which of course leads to many blindsides because a positive, proactive attitude can only take you so far. But having the awareness and/or emotional intelligence to

Abi is a horrific demon and I love watching her. She's real and she's also pure entertainment. Watching Tasha ham it up and mug to the camera makes my eyes and heart and stomach hurt. I have no idea who Tasha actually is, except that I think she sucks.

Great point.

Agree with everything you've said. Except one thing does mystify me: why in the world did Stephen think he's had any control in the first place? Jeremy has had the reins of each tribe he's been on; Stephen has been the bottom guy since day one.

What a fantastic episode! Pretty fantastic season so far.

Even Probst refers to himself as Probst.

I completely agree with your analysis.

I really wish you had marked that as a potential spoiler.

Yep. You don't keep a weed in the garden and hope it turns into a flower. You just uproot it and move on.

I think a reason for not bringing Spencer in (besides the less people know the better) is that they can say to both Spencer and Kelly that they want to work with both of them moving forward rather than someone untrustworthy like Monica. There seemed to be a bit of a focus on trustworthiness during tribal. Plus no need

Africa was headed in that direction until Kim won immunity. Another reason why I love that season.

Parvati was great but I think her win is overrated - Cirie was the truly masterful one in that alliance.


I get Abi's issues with Woo's story about his mom