Prom King

That Savage quote was my favorite. So hilariously, perfectly Savage.

"Catching" clams is just so ridiculous it's funny. Maybe next episode Kimmi can catch a fallen branch or a hanging piece of fruit!

Oh! I don't know why I saw tribal council there when Immunity Challenge was even capitalized. My bad.

Good point, when considering how ugh it was to watch the Have tribe win. They were much more enjoyable when being beaten or out-strategized by Earl and Yao.But did you feel similarly when watching Palau?

If by toast you mean they are all sitting in the jury.

You really don't think there has been a ton of drama at each of the past two tribal councils? It's like we are watching different shows.

I get the complaints about lopsided in Fiji but in a way I don't understand why they are even brought up when Earl and Yao ended up dominating the season strategically. The lopsidedness made them amazing underdogs. If anything that's like an argument in favor of these sorts of unfair twists.

So far at least, I much prefer Sophie. I can't put a finger on it yet but something about Kelley is getting under my skin. With Sophie I felt like this was a person who I could actually be friends with, from her first episode.

"Woo, you cannot deny your physical power." Best line of the night was from Probst, surprisingly.

Abi was a swing vote in that if Tasha appears unreliable to her, all she had to do was go to Varner and say she wanted to vote with her old tribe after all. Woo would have gone along with that. But I think Varner was maybe just too physically spent to manipulate Abi along those lines.

This was the correct decision for the tribe - but was this the correct decision for Abi? If they lose again, will they really vote out Woo - or Abi? Clearly one can help the tribe in challenges more than the other.

But was he really? He only went from one person to another - Cliff to Tony. One after the other they were both his shotcaller, and he never betrayed either one of them. I think one of Woo's assets as an alliance member is he has a proven track record that he doesn't turn his back on his true alliances.

Eh, she's been so-so to me, on the positive side but not by much. I want to like her more than I actually like her.

Good point.

Because the community is not on the same page now. They were barely on the same page about Rick's plan. Just about the only thing they appear to be on the same page about, at least that we've seen, is the need to know how to use weapons. And so Carol and Maggie remain in their respective roles to see how the community

Not enough, but I sure loved what we little we got.

She should have gone with "RECYCLE HIM", delivered with especially pursed lips.

^This so much.

Definitely true for PG's first season. But this season she actually seemed to be getting along with everyone. Various scenes showed her relaxing and connecting with Varner, Wigglesworth, Spencer, and Shirin.

Who dislikes Peih-Gee besides Abi? I don't think Abi counts as "people".