Prom King

That's not a mental illness, that's resolve!

Uh no.

I totally agreed with Savage on Fishbach's basic lack of empathic ability. And then when he went on and on with his anti-Skinny RyanFishbach nonsense, I totally disagreed with him. Savage is fun.

It's more fun to root against Spencer. But I don't want him to go home until he reaches the same exact point he reached in his last season.

Yeah, your jokes are always so hilarious and on point. *Spits*

I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that terrible Shirin paragraph because I don't agree with any of it. But I agree with everything else completely. Especially your Fishbach comment. Upvote!

Definitely not a B- episode for me, despite agreeing with Carrie that Probst was especially over the top. Overall I thought it was a great episode.

Heh. I liked Spencer his first time around but I think for different reasons than most. I enjoyed how inept he was at the game (and also how juvenile he was when winning or losing). I was surprised and pleased at how far he got but was happy that the one solid strategic plan he came up with wasn't taken up by Tony.

Good point!

I'm not rooting for her to win either but I am rooting for her to stay on as long as possible.

I think Varner flipping on the Old Schoolers was pretty significant.

I was pretty satisfied by his elimination first time around.

I loved the first episode! Great start.

It's interesting to consider that with the dozens upon dozens of revolving cast members, I feel like I've only seen a handful of them, if that, grow as human beings.

Agree. It's the only thing I don't like about him as a host - but it's a pretty big debit. The issue would be less of an issue if, like the review suggests, the producers diversified the challenges so that they weren't primarily physical. There's usually only a couple non-physical challenges - the Q&A challenge

Great post - except it's not actually CT who does that. CT tends to be the threatening outsider on every season he appears. It's other cast members, from Johnny to Frank to Laurel to Zach et al, who make a practice of shaming people based on physical performance. CT himself is usually the recipient of shaming.

Garfunkel does have a prettier voice than Simon.

I thought this was okay. Rating of B- felt appropriate.

Are you talking about Cliff Curtis? He's Maori, not Indian.

They seemed to be in mild shock. I think that's how a lot of people would act in that situation - people freeze and stand there with their mouths hanging open when crazy shit goes down. Deer in headlights.