Prom King

The Strain is competent compared to nothing. Terrible, terrible show with terrible acting, writing, directing, everything. I'm still in wait and see mode for FTWD. Pilot was weak because boring family drama, who cares, but it wasn't incompetent.

They are different. The german sausages I used had some kind of green herb inside and the meat looked fattier. But here's the great news: I actually used four german suasages and four bratwurst. They tasted equally good.

Interesting! That does sound like intentional mirroring.

My favorite exchange this episode:

German sausages braised with onions, beer, beef broth, and sauerkraut. Braised for four hours! That required patience.

Perhaps. Two sides of the same bad penny? But Joseph did show some signs of ironic self-awareness at the end of our troll duel while the racist ragamuffin known as Diortem remained blissfully unaware of what a toxic horrorshow she was, even through her last response. Although who knows, they may have crawled out from

I love to troll trolls! A sport and a pastime.

I thought you said you were going to bed! To dream your various racist dreams! Why are you still posting your racist comments? Don't even racists have to sleep?

Goodnight, racist!

So you are finally admitting you are a racist?

Here's one thing I've learned: call a racist a "racist" and they will never shut up. Racists are like little battery-operated toys but their batteries last forever. And hey, so will all of your racist comments that you've posted on the internet. They will follow you everywhere. So keep on posting your racist comments,

REVIVE! I believe in you, Joseph, you can do it!! MORE TROLL COMMENTS NOW! OBEY ME!

MORE! Give me more troll comments! And better ones! Or are you getting tired from all of your trolling today? If so, rest up and come up with some good troll comments tomorrow. I'll be waiting!

My amazingly pretentious label is "libertarian". While you, in your own words made not much more than 7 hours ago, have labelled yourself as a racist. Nice job! It's good that you know yourself.

And only a moronic troll would post a comment like yours above. Keep 'em comin', Joseph! Is there some kind of Troll Hall of Fame you are aiming yourself towards?

Only a moronic troll like yourself would even post a comment like "This show remains a litmus test for those who recognize quality vs those who project their own personal desires onto the screen."

Haha, what a moron. I'm not even a liberal but you probably see liberal whenever you see a comment you don't like.

So was it Ferguson that made you hate blacks? Or was it Obama? Or have you just always hated blacks, because that was how you were raised or maybe something is just broken inside of you?

I assume that must mean that you passed the test - by successfully demonstrating your strong and relentless talent for writing comments that you think are cutting and incisive but are actually high-handed and obnoxious.

I agree about that being an annoying trope.