Prom King

That makes sense, about Vinci train station not even being built yet, and about Anaheim. Particularly since Anaheim isn't even in L.A. (I also grew up right next door to Anaheim in Orange County).

Your comment really speaks for itself. Can you do me a favor and never post a comment again? I'd really appreciate it!

I enjoyed so much of this season, but I actually thought the finale was the weakest episode. There was too much that made me wince in embarrassment or annoyance: kid lugging that award around, "the whole world should be like my kid" (really?), the corny Semyon death-dream, convenience of the Mexican gangsters

My patience is wearing thin too. That show is perfect in every way EXCEPT for its distinct lack of Cthulhu and pregnant Jerry. I am getting tv blue balls whenever I see that credit sequence and then neither appears by the end of the episode.

It was just a plain old revenge quest from some wronged orphans. Blowing Vinci open was a totally unplanned side effect. Kudos to whoever called that two weeks ago or whenever.

This show remains a litmus test for those who recognize quality vs those who project their own personal desires onto the screen.

You have certainly been successful in presenting yourself as a a few stereotypes. White Rage warrior! Embittered, butthurt Republican! Clueless yet angry internet troll!

I'm sad that a bunch of mean liberals apparently mocked and bullied you when you were a child and you just can't get over the memories. Must be a tough life! But is the internet the right place to let out all of that bottled up rage? Maybe get some therapy instead?

Another white person acting like the world is picking on them. Grow up.

You expected to see food riots and socialist dictatorship taking over private farms and golf courses… in the 30 second scene taking place on the streets of Venezuela (or rather, Hollywood backlot)? You didn't like that they showed a festival instead? Huh.

But was that supposed to be just a new train station in L.A. or "the new train station" in Vinci? Honest question, not snark - I actually don't know. But I assumed Vinci.

I loved and agreed with everything in your post except for:

Thanks for the link. That's a long list!

Well, I did say some people. Sorry you've missed out!

Ani will need some throwing knives. She'll bring her own.

I'll just be an arrogant dick right now and say that I'm glad that some people have FINALLY caught on that this show is actually pretty good (good, not great), that all these characters have their various reasons for being on the show, that the complicated plot lines are actually heading somewhere, and that the

I have emotional attachment to the four leads but very little to none for the huge supporting cast. But why should I and why should that mean that I shouldn't be able to know who is who? Everyone has appeared multiple times and their roles have been made clear all along.

Good christ, do any of you guys actually WATCH this show or do you just rush here to comment that you don't understand it?

Burris was literally waiting near the car which was near the exit which was on the street. He was waiting there because he is Holloway's compadre (and they usually appear together anyway). He didn't go underground because he assumed Black Mountain Boys would take care of the situation. He heard gunshots, and so he was

Kill the Louche! That should be the battle cry for the new millennium.