Prom King

I agree except that I thought Frank was looking (anti-)heroic at the end and far from villainous. He's going after the show's real villains next episode.

I've defended this show a lot but that is definitely the worse line. All effect, no meaning. Frank says he has blue balls of the heart when he can't find a particular person he wants to hurt or kill. Whaaaat? Makes no sense. Is the need to express anger or exact revenge coming from "the heart"? The phrase is trying to

I'm not saying you are wrong, but can you give some examples?

I definitely didn't have the same feeling of confusion as you as far as who was who (we've seen them all multiple times)… but apropos of your confusion, I would suggest that you never watch the classic The Big Sleep. Amazing film with an equally wide array of suspects - and even after watching it multiple times, I'm

I loved that and I also loved her disgusted follow-up look down at the body when Frank made it clear that that body had betrayed them. I think that was her version of kicking the body.

It wasn't until this episode - when it was revealed that Frank did not actually set Ray up - that I realized that Frank is one of this season's heroes as well (or rather, "heroes". anti-hero?), instead of the season villain.

Refusing to have an in-depth argument with someone who is so clearly stuck in their own limited perception of reality… is a good argument in favor of ways I can keep my sanity.

Oh fuck off. My post has 0% hysteria. It has 100% contempt. I am not trying to convince this moron of anything or to present a case. I am not trying to argue him into understanding anything either. I am merely showing my contempt towards an idiot who has decided to announce that he has idiotic thoughts as if they were

For starters, I am a libertarian.

Clearly you were called a transphobic bigot because you actually are a transphobic bigot. No doubt you have been called a moron as well because your thought process is genuinely moronic.

Thank you for introducing me to Thomas Szasz! Total unknown to me. What I've scanned about him in just the past few minutes is really fascinating.

So you are saying that I am one of the few people you can recall who has become indignant over some internet moron saying that "transsexual" equals mentally ill? If so, then yeah, I am one of those people. And I'm happy to say that there are a lot of people just like me. Because a lot of people hate it when morons

Ha! I sort of love the idea that by season 3, Alana Bloom has transformed into "an angry lesbian vampire" … but yeah, no. I wish. Not that I would change anything about Hannibal of course. As far as I'm concerned, the show is practically perfect and each season has been amazing. It's like the anti-True Blood.

You are replying to me but I'm wondering if you actually meant to reply to SDC? Because otherwise I genuinely don't understand your comment.

Your comment makes no sense. Are you saying that you don't believe in transsexuals like you don't believe in vampires? And who is asking you to buy into anything in the first place - have a bunch of transsexuals been getting up in your face and bullying you? Have you considered that maybe the reason why people have

The only time she had anything interesting to do was many seasons in, after transforming into an angry lesbian vampire. But by then the show itself was more terrible than not.

I almost feel guilty about continuing to slam this reviewer, but your thoughts made me realize that perhaps the stupidity in that review is coming from one initial mistake: a misunderstanding of the basic difference in what the words "pulp" and "noir" actually mean. Maybe the reviewer doesn't even realize that "pulp"

I disagree.

Definitely realistic.

Wow! I didn't even think of that. I wonder.