Prom King

A motion picture where she gets devoured by a tornado's worth of sharks, pre-title sequence? Sold!

Brianna Barksdale, what a relief! Trying to figure out why that actress was familiar was killing me.

I just don't think she's the same - it's not that I think she's now evil. I think a lot of love and idealism has drained out of her because of her experience with Hannibal. How could it not? He's changed everyone in his orbit.

the amplified make-up and the severe clothes that she wears is simply a facade.

Ah! Okay. I agree that the viewer hasn't seen enough of him yet to know either way.

But isn't the why because the spots on the otherwise perfect white of the ceiling, that image of rot on an otherwise clean surface, reflected his unease at the perfect next step into a clean, mainstream life he was trying to take? An unease that came from the challenges he was facing (loss of a potential partner -

I'm embarrassed to say that I did not even know that was a thing.

Good point. Could be.

But he didn't know he was out of money.

I often kick myself for going all too quickly into contempt-mode but I'm glad it worked out this time!

Your point about the basic theme is spot-on. A classic noir theme.

I take back everything I said to you last week.

It makes sense that this would be the first time he'd tell her that story. He's just about to lose everything he's built. Sort of a pivotal moment in his life and that leads to self-reflection and digging up buried but defining traumas.

It's funny reading all these comments about Vince Vaughn and how so many people are longing for him to be funny and/or over the top, and faulting his acting because he's not doing what they want. That's such a stupid critique. Do people not realize what show they are watching? How would that style of acting fit in

I hope you're right but then why that shot of him glaring at the gay partiers on the street? That seemed a bit much if all they want to do is establish him as a homophobe.

I just read the review. Ugh.

Great, thanks! That's a relief.

There's so much that I'm liking about this show so far.

Pam's hidden agenda: get laid as much as possible before cryo-sleep.

A second life… IN HELL!