Prom King

Well, it used to be my job. I loved so much about it - talking about films with my colleagues, watching so many movies and making choices about those movies, the stressful fun of the festivals themselves, even talking with directors and actors at the festivals was interesting and not as obnoxious as it may sound. But

Yes! Great point.

Your use of the word "effete" and your attempt to come across as some kind of expert tells me all I need to know about you and the kind of person you are. I'm pretty familiar with film. I studied it, I come from a family that works in the film industry, I've been paid to be a film festival programmer. You come across

Dude do you read your own posts? You started having problems with the writer after S1 and before S2, after you started reading about him. I'm not second-guessing your so-called critiques. I am literally reading your posts and drawing glaringly obvious conclusions. You're your own worst enemy on this topic.

Because you say it in such a lame, bullshitty way. It gets under my skin. Sorry?

I feel sorry for people like you who care about such things. Is Us or People your favorite film magazines?

It's quite simple: I've read the posts. Is that something you don't do? Or do you do that and just not draw any conclusions? Did you expect me to say I am psychic or something?

Ligotti and Michael Cisco and other modern authors have regurgitated Robert Aickman and Ramsay Campbell who regurgitated Algernon Blackwood and Robert W. Chambers and Ambrose Bierce. It is a whole cycle of regurgitation. Not plagiarism.

Tryhard much? Only a moron would fail to see the excellence of that film. I'm not surprised though.

Sounds like you brought your distaste for the writer to the table before consuming tonight's episode. No wonder it tasted bad to you.

He doesn't just have only one cop on the payroll. Several names were mentioned and they went with Farrell's character.

An excellent film.

Huh. I'm unaware of that brouhaha (and also I love that word). I don't know why there would have been one since HBO clearly markets its miniseries as miniseries and True Detective has always been promoted as a series - an anthology series but still a series.

Actually both. But far more of the latter.

No, not every dissenting opinion of course. Only the ridiculous ones. Some of these comments sound like the worst kind of cred-hungry bandwagon jumping. Other comments seethe like a scorned ex-lover. I think these over-scaled reactions are nonsensical. I've only read a handful that note the weaknesses while giving

They did. Since the beginning.


I think it has everything to do with what you wanted to hate before you even watched it. Namely, this entire season. I expect to see many more similar comments from you throughout this season.

I think that's exactly it. The comment thread to that review was particularly idiotic.

The leads are as much A-list leads as the first season. And are A-list leads really something you care about?