Prom King

How is it a cash grab if they intended it to be an anthology series from the get?


Ugh most of these comments read like people were planning on hate-watching this before they even watched the episode. Then they looked for things to prove themselves right.


Disgusting? Eh. Different strokes etc. It's not like it's scat.

But it doesn't. Not to take away from Ligotti, who is an awesome author, but Ligotti's own ideas come from or are shared by various authors who have been putting out similarly themed stories for over a century.

There's a difference between a rip-off and an homage. Pizzolato took ideas and a tone that have been around in different forms from different authors for over a century.

You are either a liar or a fool. Honest question: which one do you think you are?

Your brain adjusts pretty quickly.

Jesus, what a moron. All it took was my comments for you to change your mind about the rape scene and for you to now start defending it? Were you born an idiot or did you just get that way gradually? And why would I even bother to read the rest of your post after reading that admission?

Haha, you idiot. I've been waiting for you to make a comment about your upvotes because you seem to be the kind of person who clings to such things. I wonder how many times a day you check to see how many upvotes your comments have been given.

You make some good, solid points about some things that perhaps I didn't need to be bothered by. Thanks!

I'm not surprised you'd say that because that's the logic most bores use when they are trying to defend why they are so boring.

Well at least you're confident about one thing. Your long-winded posts on these threads suggest you are also confident about your ability to live up your own ass. Two things you can be confident about, congrats!

That's the great thing about confidence, beema. It doesn't need validation from anonymous people on the internet to support it.

Okay, because you asked and because the parents arguing analogy makes me uncomfortable, this will be my last post on the rape topic. I'm actually happy to have a reason not to respond to further posts on that issue.

"Shitpost"! I learn a new phrase every day.

Oh shut up beema. Also, yelling is ALL CAPS, genius.

Is that a serious question or are you trolling? What is your point or perspective as far as this conversation goes? Hopefully you don't seriously think I am saying that the act of rape itself is ever necessary. Because that would be moronic.

Possibly I'm spoiled in a good way by never watching it when it came out and never reading anything by the writers before I watched it. I binge-watched it all last year and it felt like fantasy cloaked by science all along. So the ending was really satisfying for me.