Prom King

But why would you think that? Red Wedding massacre… and precisely nothing has happened to Roose or Walder Frey besides rewards. This show has never been invested in monsters getting their just desserts. We've seen Joffrey get his and that's about it.

The idea that "Stannis is just" is pretty comical too. Although I'm sure Stannis himself thinks he's just, while ignoring how much of his code is actual nonsense.

Mads > Brian Cox > Anthony Hopkins


One of the things that mystifies me about this crappy season is the idea that Tyler would have beaten anyone in the finale. I highly doubt that.

Er, rewards and challenges took place TWICE an episode! and they weren't stuck on the same patch of land. don't you recall all the times they went to their water hole and encountered or had to be on the lookout for animals? that happened frequently, often at least once or more per episode. they were less stuck on

I appreciate the critical perspective, especially regarding a season as weak as Worlds Apart.

I pretty much agree with your entire analysis of Worlds Apart (minus the paragraph on Mike, who was my favorite part of the season). The class war theme was bs and I hated how much of the cast bought into it. Surprisingly, Joaquin prince of douchebags was one of the few who didn't. One of the reasons why I somewhat

Brandon creeping was actually in South Pacific. I love your phrase "sexual breakdown" because that's pretty much what happened, and all because Mikayla turned him on.

The proper soundtrack would be Baby Elephant Walk, repeated again and again.

Tyler sucks, but it isn't it Carolyn's mistake for not realizing the kind of guy Tyler is and voting him out? He was her closest alliance partner.

Does Josh belong in that group? I'm not remembering him during final tribal.

I think that ugh Caramoan runs a close second to this season in terms of ugliness.

I know the show is Survivor but … its nice to have someone that wants to teach kids honor and integrity.

Woo stuck to his strategy the entire way through. I don't think it was idiotic because he was staying true to his strategy of Stick With Tony (which had replaced his strategy of Stick With Cliff). Although yeah, not a winning strategy in this season. He assumed that people would respect the consistency of his strategy

I thought he was pretty entertaining in his season. I'm glad that both Woo and Keith are there, for the amusement factor alone.


I had to upvote because I share your enthusiasm about Cambodia. Amazing country and I hope they include shots of Angkor.

Africa had some of the most delightful rewards of any season. The only thing dour about that season was Lex. Otherwise the season was full of fun.

It's a wonderful season. Really underrated.