Prom King

Nicaragua is approximately a million times better than One World, which is better as a sleep inducer than as entertainment.

I come from a strongly Christian background (not sure where I personally stand, although I am a believer) and I was really proud of Mike. Past contestants have irritated (Vecepia) and sometimes completely embarrassed me (Coach) with their over-the-top God antics. I hate the idea that some players think that God

Unlike some people, I don't think Mike thinks God cares whether or not he finds the idol.
^This, so much.

I think there's one thing that hasn't received enough praise in this thread: Carrie's reviews. They've been excellent.

Those are all things I enjoyed as well and they are all good reasons why even though this is my third least favorite season, it is still miles ahead of One World and Redemption Island.

I loved Abi-Maria as a villain, she's one of my favorites. But I didn't root for her in her season because I actually don't root for villains, I just want them to last a long time and be entertaining. The only reason I'm imagining I'll root for her is that she seemed genuinely contrite at her reunion and maybe she's

Again, disagree. The blue collars "welcomed" her into the alliance after they voted out Lindsey, and they meant it. She was considered a part of that alliance until the last episode (not including the 'real' alliance organized by Rodney, which didn't include Sierra).

For me, the fun started and ended during the episode Jenn used her hidden immunity. Then it restarted during the episode of the Dan boot and lasted through the finale. Although there were certainly pockets of enjoyment for me throughout the season, moments featuring Mike, Jenn, Joe, Vince, and Shirin during her jury

I disagree. Sierra was allying herself with repulsive players she knew she could beat in the end. That's the Natalie White strategy. Vecepia did no such thing; she moved where she moved when she needed to move. Sierra never moved until the very end, and that attempt failed. There's a whole narrative strand in this

I can wrap my mind around that, I think. Mainly because much of the jury clearly disliked Mike. But why do you think she only got one jury vote if she played a better social game than Mike? Honest question - I really don't understand her poor showing in the votes.

He was so emotional and personal during his attack, which is pretty hypocritical and repulsive for someone who fancied himself such a gamer.

It's a toss-up for me. I want Shirin back because I think she has potential and I felt sorry for her mistreatment. Not great reasons, I know, but I still voted for her each time. The idea of having to endure Carolyn's sourpuss for an entire new season is really unappealing to me. I thought she was an interesting

This would be a dream come true.

But we just had Rodney this season! He's like the poor man's Judd.

To me that's like forgetting some guy shoved a woman just because two other guys punched another woman. They are all scum.

I don't recall her voice being shrill. I mainly remember Will yelling at her like a psychopath and Shirin briefly saying something back about his being a so-called man of faith as Mike dragged her away. There was no shrill Shirin voice during that scene, or I think during the show in general. I think "shrill" is a

It also shows another example of Tyler having it out for Shirin.
Ugh Tyler, he's a Will-Enabler.

A superior season would have occurred.

Except Ari's assistant was way more entertaining.

Your memory is just trying to protect you.