Prom King

He's pure Ugh on the screen.

Probst clearly had no love for Shannon. He even cut him off at the reunion.

Tyler is a typical egocentric sort of manipulator, one that manipulates himself into believing a made-up narrative that he helped create. It's easy to believe in your own lies if you repeat them enough, especially if your character is weak and/or you have self-righteous tendencies. It seems like that's what happened

I actually wanted to reach through the screen and throttle Tyler for saying that.


It's easy to pick on Dan because Dan makes it easy to pick on Dan. He's horrible.


I think I would have liked Hali more if they had featured her more. Her personality seemed quirky and loveable.

I just cringed at the head banging because that felt like more typical tryhard Dan trying to play up to the cameras.

I actually love Boston Rob when he doesn't make final tribal. He was supremely entertaining in his first and third appearances. And he wasn't so bad in the first half of All-Stars when his tribe were relative underdogs.

He would never make my least favorite players ever list because he was an enjoyable antagonist. But you pretty much encapsulated why I didn't like him and why I didn't send a single vote his way.

I would 100% prefer to have the entertaining buffoon Jean-Robert back over tedious, self-righteous, constipated looking Jim Rice.

Oh you are upvoting for the comment that I wrote then edited by taking it out and putting it in my main overview comment (I felt that strongly about it)… the comment being "I am hoping that Spencer continues his streak of being voted out before Kass". Ha! Yes I would love that. I enjoyed Spencer a lot more than you

I hope you are wrong but I think that you are not wrong. That makes me sad. She deserved a shot!

Rodney is The Biggest Loser of this season. There's something awesome about that.

Vecepia played a very interesting game. Jim should like her if he liked Carolyn. Similar styles except that Carolyn incorrectly viewed herself as a boss while Vecepia had no such delusions.

It's hard for me to imagine any season ranking that does not have Redemption Island in its bottom two.

Mike won and he was one of the series' biggest underdogs. It's as simple as that. Carolyn didn't deserve to win.

Hey there's nothing wrong with a POSTAL WORKER having an ego for chrissakes. WTF. The problem is with someone like Dan having such an ego.

Before I click on that, can you tell me if it reveals the boot order or the winner?