Prom King

And no small child either! Viewers were robbed.

This was a satisfying finale for me because Mike is about the only satisfying character for me this season. He pretty much saved Worlds Apart from being the new Redemption Island.

Invisible downvote.

Carolyn made no moves until Tyler and I'm not even sure that that was too great of a move since it cost her his vote. I think everyone is overrated her strategic abilities. She was good but was nothing special. I found her immunity wins to be more impressive.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not with the "charisma". If not, a lot of people appeared to genuinely dislike Mike so I'd say he pretty much lacked charisma. Same with Shiren. They were only charismatic to the viewers. I think Mike won because people felt he played the best game and was an underdog as well.

I would love a Savage vs. Terry. It may be the only way I can tolerate Terry.

But Carolyn switched it up several times and Sophie never switched it up. I think Sophie's game is more similar to Natalie White. I see Carolyn as more like Vecepia.

I don't know if I agree that she played the superior game, but she is easily in the top two players this season. I do wonder how her game would have turned out if she stuck with the No Collar alliance. I can imagine her still making it to final tribal, but not so much Mike who would have been a much earlier boot, I

I would have been happy not seeing Terry again.

Ugh Tyler, what a joke. He was at his worst at final tribal.

I don't get that Jim Rice thing at all. I detested him on his season and actually cheered when he wasn't chosen.

I feel like I've seen that many times before, and one of them did feature a puzzle.

For me, definitely not each episode. There were several episodes that will go down for me as some of my least favorite episodes ever. Namely the two featuring Shiren getting bullied and the one featuring Nina getting voted out. Depressing episodes where so many people were at their worst.

I did feel bad for him a bit, he is a human being and this is national television. But if anyone deserved it, it was Dan (and Will).

I'd say that Will did the very worst thing (and did it two times). But I'm still voting for Dan because there were so many more examples of his bad behavior. I guess I'm choosing quantity over "quality".

Maybe he's just a superfan of his favorite three seasons and they all feature Russell Hantz? I think that describes a lot of so-called fans.

I do wonder if it literally took up until tonight when he saw the raw footage to realize that all of his justifications were actually false. People can fool themselves into believing a lot of things and I think Dan is a textbook example of that. But it seems pretty hard to justify your way out of raw footage.

I think she was just being herself. Hard to imagine the Jenn we've seen try hard to be anyone's spokesperson.

Overall I'm pretty happy with who was picked except for two major exceptions: Shane and Teresa. I guess I can wrap my mind around why Teresa wasn't chosen (scratch that, no I can't)… but SHANE?? He was gold on the screen. I'm so bummed he's not back.

Oh shoot. That's a good point. And thanks for crushing my dreams! *sobs*