Prom King

Seemed like the reviewer was nitpicking just to nitpick. I thought this was an excellent episode, one of the best this season. Why can't the shot of the fish oil be ominous and hilarious, that's the new Marvel house style except in one shot. I loved it. The action scenes were all good, including Skye vs. Ginger. It

Thanks! Ah, Palau. Brilliant season.

I think the best way to enjoy Rupert in Pearl Islands is to have never heard of or seen him before. I had such strong, positive feelings about him when the season aired - I really looked up to him and at that point he was my favorite player ever. But I was young. I doubt anyone could have that experience now, even if

Thanks! I'm looking forward to your lists and I hope you add write-ups as well. They were fun for me to do and it was especially good remembering past seasons while watching this lackluster season.

Yeah Panama is excellent. Where would you place Pearl Islands?

I agree with all of your points. Although I have some slim hopes for Katana.


The best part about Savage is that all of his errors in judgment came back to haunt him. I love Survivor karma.

I can't believe this show has gotten to the point for me where I am enjoying Laurel so much more than Felicity. Felicity is the worst, so melodramatic and nonsensical. What happened to her character? What happened to this show? Totally agree with the reviewer about the show doing good work with Speedy and Canary. In

Mike is my favorite character this season, and right now he's the only reason I look forward to new episodes. I honestly love everything I've seen of him this season, even his blunders were entertaining. He's so compelling to me that as much as I dislike this season, I wouldn't rank it below Redemption Island or One

I agree with all of that except I didn't hate him and I thought he made for an excellent tragic leader. So many fascinating flaws.

His gloating gave me the creeps and his excitement over being at the cool kids table was pathetic. And for such a gamebot, his personalized anger at Cochran was laughable.

Wow, "radiant"! Honestly, every time she smiled and gloated and preened and mugged for the camera, my reaction was literally Ew. I prefer her when she's more invisible. Which is strange for me because I usually root for the strong-willed older women on this show. But she's such a sourpuss.

Finally finishing my season rankdown, post series rewatch:

I agree, his stock this season has definitely gone up for me too, especially considering the boredom he inspired previously. The Janos Slynt head chop clinched it.

Just took part too. I don't have a lot of interest in some of my votes and only voted because I had to reach 10. But there are still a good number I really want to see back, wish I could vote twice for them instead of some others.

Wow it feels like I am upvoting every single one of your comments tonight. You are on a roll!

The gods of boredom.

Cersei is far too entertaining to be Carolyn. Mike is far too entertaining to be Jon Snow. Otherwise I'm with you.

Okay episode, mainly eh. Rodney's tantrum… for me that just really illustrates how mediocre this season has turned out, if that's the most enjoyable part of the episode. But I'll take what I can get at this point.