Prom King

Ugh she is literally one of the worst characters this show has seen.

That's a pretty gamebot way to look at the show. But I guess that's how some people watch Survivor, like it's just another game show. *sigh*

I think Spencer and Kass were equally poor players. They were also completely entertaining. I want them both back!

Our different thoughts on Skyler aside, I really just want you (and everyone) to finish this series because I think it is amazing. One of the best tv shows ever created and I think the last couple seasons are particularly incredible. But if you hate one of the main characters, I guess that could just feel like a chore.

I actually did not know that! That's kind of funny to realize because the actress was pretty wooden at times. Although other times I thought she was great.

^^ Exhibit A: typical tv club viewer who, confusing Walt with someone to admire, resents the one character who provides the most understandable and realistic reactions to his various fucked up decisions. I guess she gets in the way of the wish fulfillment.

It's not even just the genre shows. Reading commentary on Skyler while Breaking Bad was on was grueling.

If she was one of many who didn't know, then yeah, she'd have no real right to be pissed. But when literally everyone else connected to Barry and her knows? That's infantilizing her. I get why she's pissed.

I was also thinking of Desmond and his Constant.

She's beautiful, but those dead, dead eyes…

If Shirin has invented a story of abuse, that might have crossed the line into unethical behavior. But there is zero evidence that she did, and insinuating as such with no basis is disgusting.

I have a serious question for you: were you born an idiot or did you just get that way slowly, over time?

Way worse than All-Stars. Outside of the horrific Sue backlash, I didn't notice any misogyny that season. And I was more amused by the mean-spirited drama of All-Stars because it seemed to be coming from a bunch of divas who were working on their personal name brand recognition. I didn't mind seeing most of them taken

Great analysis.

We have, I was just continuing the conversation because I figured there was a chance you may feel differently now that Shirin's been voted out. My impression (clearly a false one) was that much of your enjoyment was predicated on a Shirin win - that a win from her would justify all the time spent on awful (and often

I'm confused. I thought you disliked Fiji because it had a lot of unpleasant, sexist people who were eliminating potentially interesting characters, particularly women, in an ugly way. But you like this season?


I'm confused. I thought you disliked Fiji because it had a lot of unpleasant, sexist people who were eliminating potentially interesting characters, particularly women, in an ugly way. But you like this season?

Thanks for that link, I plan on listening to it to get the full Chris Daugherty experience. But I actually meant a link to the podcast where you are defending Vanuatu…

Alexis? Do you recall which moment that was? Actually, do you know where I can find that list?