Prom King

I hope you watch it and report back before this *terrible* season is over so that I can read your thoughts on a genuinely good season.

Oh hey do you have a link to that podcast? I'd like to hear it.

Agree. He hogged up the screen. But on the rewatch, I didn't mind at all because he was so much fun to watch. That enthusiasm was infectious and just made me happy to see.

Glad to see another Vanuatu fan! I did not know that factoid about Chris' t-shirt. Funny.

Approach 2: Thailand

I genuinely appreciate that comment, it makes me feel better for Shirin. I hate feeling sorry for people.

Great point about Natalie. I didn't mention her because actually I didn't like her very much. She gave me the creeps for some reason.

But we don't get to experience that. And after what they've put her through, I really want to. I demand it as a viewer! Live feed.

Oh she had a couple big things. That blow up with Rocker and she basically orchestrated Drewche being eliminated (with a lot of help from the Drewche himself).

For real. That would be like the Survivor they make you watch in hell. Wait, am I in hell? Please Mike please, don't make me be in hell.

Agree. One of the most interesting things in rewatching that season was seeing how Tony didn't actually trash talk anyone in confessionals. I was surprised at not liking him the first time around (probably because he was featured too much). I loved watching him the second time, he was pure entertainment. I just

But I love Sophie and Tyler is so, so…. wait, who were we talking about?

Next week I am going to try a combo of whiskey and tequila. Fingers crossed!

Continuing my season rankdown, post series rewatch:

I hope too but I just don't see how. *Grinds teeth*

Perfect comment.

I want to have some of whatever you're having so that I can at least enjoy the remaining episodes.

Ugh this season sucks. When Probst is one of the only three people I enjoyed in the episode, I don't even know what to say anymore. Repulsive cast for the most part and the show has just been difficult to watch, episode after episode after episode. There's nothing left that can happen that won't put Worlds Apart in my

Phillip and Brandon Hantz were also memorable. *Shoots self*

Ok Darrius, I am going to try to be patient and explain myself one more time. And then I am done with this particular topic.