Prom King

Maybe some day you'll learn successful ways of communicating your opinion and having a conversation. It is never a smart idea to start off that kind of a conversation by saying someone else's opinion is "wrong" because, you know, it's their opinion. That's a good way to make someone just tune out what you have to say,

And the reaction to Cisco falling. That seemed out of character at first.

Vibe easter egg? I missed that one.

I think you should fuck off with your "I think you are looking at it wrong". I didn't even bother to read the rest of your post because that is about the worst way to start a conversation or to share an opinion.

I hope so.

Nothing to be sorry about as far as the long text, I loved reading it.

Thank you for not spoiling the books!

You are not the only one.

the High Sparrow appears reasonable enough, an eccentric philosopher who casts quite the spell on Cersei.)

Solid point. But is that Martin or is it the people who are writing the scripts? I just read an article that said the Sansa storyline diverges from the book.

Not me. Tommen doesn't look like a child to me. I thought the scene went from endearing (which doesn't happen too often in this show) to really interesting (when Margaery started politicking against Cersei).

I really hope this is true because I want her to destroy Roose and Ramsay. But so far we've only seen new Sansa lie to a bunch of nobles from the Vale. Two reptiles who make a practice of flaying is a bigger problem I think. But I'm crossing my fingers.

I think the actor had a debilitating illness that forced him out of the show.

Definitely agree. I thought this was a fantastic episode except for that logic breakdown.

I'm surprised this was a B episode for the reviewer. It was definitely an A for me. So many things to enjoy! Arya's reaction to getting hit, Brienne & Pod, everything with Margaery and Tommen and Cersei, that shot of Volantis (where is that? or was that cgi?) and then the Red Priestess, Stannis' reactions to Jon,

I can't give them props because although they don't say the nauseating things those two do, Tyler and Carolyn and Sierra just sit around with their judgy, constipated bitch-faces and let it all happen. Tyler even helps to stir the pot.

Rewatches or for the first time? Just make sure that you get those viewings in before the next season starts!

Interesting! I love having conversations with you.

And as far as ugly characters and incidents go:

Man I hope you are right about Shirin winning. I can actually see that happening due to the editing. She hasn't done much as far as game play goes so I can't think of another reason why she should be featured as much as she's been, since the first episode I think.