Prom King

No way. This season has had repulsive things happening between people nearly every episode. Fiji had 4 douchebags (who were owned) and a Rocky but it had a winner who played a perfect game and an underdog, Yao-Man, who was actually a complete boss. And it actually had a whole team of underdogs because of that twist.

That is interesting. Tarnishes Erik a bit for me. I never really thought much about him other than he was a pretty virgin who made great animal noises. Now he's a pretty virgin who makes great animal noises and who thinks a person would make up a story about a miscarriage.

True, and that was definitely terrible. The main difference to me is that I never got the sense that Kelly Bruno was being publicly picked on, just that she was tackled by a psychopath. She was never humiliated and she never broke down like Shirin. Not that I am critical of Shirin breaking down, of course.

Overall I'm a big fan of Courtney. But that miscarriage comment and to a lesser extent "Denise sucks at life" also means that I have pretty mixed feelings about her too.

Ugh. I think I blocked that one out.

Maybe. That's a good comparison. But at least in Worlds Apart I have had Jenn, Mike, and to a lesser extent Shirin and Joe. In One World, I enjoyed watching Sabrina and that may be about it. I admired Kim but she's not a personal favorite.


I love a good trainwreck, for sure. Casaya is awesome! And I loved the first half of Nicaragua. But what I hate is seeing one person bullied and fucked with on a personal level, and other people just letting it happen. I don't know why it is a trigger for me, I haven't had any personal experiences like that and I

Well it was epically disgusting and hard to watch, I'll give him that.

Continuing my season rankdown, post series rewatch:

That would definitely be one of the only positives. If neither Mike nor Shirin win, this season will be down there with Redemption Island and One World. And at least One World had Kim winning.

Way worse than Thailand.

The episode confirms that I may like some of the players (Mike, Jenn, Shirin) but the season overall is at the bottom for me. I like conflict but the deep levels of misogyny and personal attacks make this season hard to watch because they aren't just confined to a few episodes. It's been like this since episode one. I

Sarge was pretty much acknowledged as leader of the men's tribe. But he was the Pretend Leader. Colby to Chris' Tina.

Noooooooo. Please no.

Don's at his best when he's in some sort of liminal space. He'll always be dissatisfied unless he's in that space. I have a colleague like that and while I sort of admire her always wanting to be a part of some indefinable yet exciting 'what if/what comes next' situation, it is frustrating to work with because it

I thought lil' Weiner was actually pretty great tonight. But then I've never really had a problem with the character or the actor, and I've really enjoyed his surprising arc throughout the series.

I'm of two minds about this season. On one side, I have been really enjoying Mike, Jenn (minus the Nina episodes), and lately Shirin. On the other, it just has not been fun for me to watch Dan and Rodney (minus the awesome Mike impersonation). The two of them are up there on my Least Favorite Players Ever list and it

I don't consider anything before the new voting block ousting John etc to be a genuine group alliance. Vecepia didn't either.
