Prom King

Well thank you, I appreciate it. I have been taken aback by some of the past comments by various people (I don't think anyone appreciates their opinions being called "invalid") but hey that's the internet for you. I'm sure I've been just as sarcastic and snarky to people elsewhere, so it's no big thing. Cheers

For me, a B grade isn't bad, it's just not great. I'd say this was a good B grade episode because yeah predictable but still fairly entertaining overall. And here's to hoping that 7 crumbles sooner rather than later. Please let that happen, Higher Power.

It's hard for me to consider that true flipping because it was so temporary. He was using Spencer etc. for his own ends (removing alliance members he considered threats) while still maintaining his group alliance. Similar to what Natalie Anderson did with her group.

Ah, Vanuatu. So many happy memories.

Will's slide was amazing. So was Dan's. But my favorite part was Will running across the beam, making it by falling onto the platform, then suddenly falling headfirst into the water. That was Marx Bros level physical comedy. Probst's reaction was also awesome, and I almost never think Probst is awesome.

I agree. Didn't really think about Tyson. But yeah, I would say he's the only winner so far who truly flipped on their group alliance.

My definition of someone flipping is narrow for sure. I see it specifically as one person who completely turns their back on their group alliance and joins or creates another group alliance. Not someone who flips temporarily like Tony. I look at flipping as Benedict Arnold style, I'm-going-over-to-the-other-side type

I am really happy you mentioned that Penner bullshit with Lisa. I didn't care for him in Cook Islands and up until his therapy sessions with Lisa, he was eh on Philippines. But those therapy sessions made me truly loathe him. At first it seemed they were genuine and I started re-evaluating him. But when he tried to


I agree. And if she had been up against Neleh or Vee, she wouldn't have been accused of coattail riding like Neleh or being a floater like Vee. She probably would have won with only one vote not cast in her favor (Paschal or Sean depending on who she was up against).

On paper I can see what would make him a great character, and he's definitely complex. But in Cook Islands he made me cringe and in Philippines he gave me the creeps. His confessionals feel overly-practiced. His jury performance in Philippines was laughable yet still not remotely entertaining to me.

That's actually the only thing I liked about Penner.

Continuing my season rankdown, post series rewatch:

I don't think she changed alliances multiple times. She was with a group who overthrew Hunter. Then the remaining two members of that group, Vee and Sean, joined up with Neleh & Paschal & Kathy to overthrow the John alliance. At one point she voted out Rob but whatever, that didn't change her loyalty to Sean. She

Assorted thoughts

I don't think a true flipper has actually ever won the game. I hate to defend Dan because ugh Dan is a joke. But Tony didn't flip permanently on his alliance. When I hear "flipper" I think of someone who permanently flipped on their group alliance. Kass, Cochran, all the way back to Neleh and Paschal. None of them

I thought this was the weakest episode so far (of a pretty great season). It is like all of the nonsensical, overly melodramatic writing on this season of Arrow followed Felicity and Ray over to The Flash. I don't want those two back.

Big differences in how they died, who died, who had them killed. Mance was a former crow who forsook his vows and was killed by a sane king in I suppose a traditional (although horrible) way. Brandon & dad were killed for wacky reasons by an insane king in an insane way.

I see your point. Makes sense and it could easily just be the writers hurrying up to provide more motivation. But they have done that with a lot of characters throughout the show, providing them surprising bits of motivation well into the series. I'm thinking Varys and his story about the box, Melisandre in her bath

Except I doubt Ned Stark would ever have done that. Too by the book to go against his king's wishes.