Prom King

I actually dislike Lisi far more than Rocky. Although I'm not sure if I can successfully explain why. There is a very, very, very tiny part of Rocky that I find endearing. And as much as Rocky came across as a bully, Anthony sort of embraced his victimhood a bit too much for me. So my feelings are more complex when I

But if they went out of their way to fix them game, it totally backfired! Have Nots became the underdogs and a have not owned the game.

That's a good description for Gabon. Two unpredictable trainwreck seasons full of surprising twists and turns. I love a good trainwreck.

Yeah Fiji is up there for me. So are Gabon, Marquesas, Panama, and Vanuatu. None of which are fan favorites. I'm out of step with the masses!

Three reasons:

I've always been confused by the hatred of twists like the have/have nots. It wasn't a particularly compelling twist like race wars or Gabon's double dose of tribe switch-up, but it was so random that it illustrated how outside factors can strongly influence the game. The best part of the have/have nots twist for me

I'm really perplexed by your list!

Yeah, Lex is ugh. He was even worse in All-Stars.

That was great. What I mainly loved was her acidic commentary about the tribe name.

Oh I thought Brenda was awesome. The series really hasn't had a female "villain" like her: a really young yet self-assured outsider who became the leader of her cabal and whose skill set including strategic ability, flirtiness, and physical ability. Her relationships with Chase and Naonka fascinated me. Watching her

Continuing my season rankdown, post series rewatch:

Russell Hantz.

But that would mean every single remaining episode has to feature him in some way. No.

I think the name Merged Tribe is appropriate for all post-merge tribes. If they want to spice it up they can call themselves Merged Tribio. or Ebirt Degrem. Really, anything is better than most of the merged tribe names.

This season's idols have been some of its hokiest. It's like their budget is $20 for all idols.

I don't get all the dislike for Fiji. Any season with Yao-Man, Earl, and the fall of the horsemen is an excellent season to me.

I thought this was the best episode so far. I'm happy that most of the players who bugged me in one way or another are gone, leaving just Rodney and Dan. Dan's at the bottom for me. Rodney is hard to watch but at least with him I can hope for a satisfying blindside. Dan's just a bad joke.

For John it was a sea urchin.

Tyler talks himself up a lot but so far has not really accomplished anything. Plus he's just sort of creepy, and not in a fun way.

I don't particularly like Carolyn but I think she's a great character this season. I'm rooting for her to stick around for a while but not to win.