Prom King

I think Brenda was a no-brainer to come back. Pretty memorable in her season. Andrea not so much.

I fell in love with Shirin this episode.

I'm one of them. Even when I compare SJDS's mediocre pre-merge with this season's pre-merge, I think they run about the same for me. SJDS was on the boring side but Worlds Apart became hard for me to watch at times (everything with Nina, Lindsey, Rodney). And SJDS had the Drew episode and nothing has come close to


She even had a sneaky little secret smile on her when he appeared.

I think that's a good point, although overall I disagree. One of the things that I think is really interesting about TWD is that balance and tension between gore and thoughtfulness. Where I disagree is the idea that the topics are actually settled. I think the explosions of violence appear to settle those topics. But

The post was too long for your attention span? Are posts that are longer than one sentence too hard for you to understand, brainiac?

Predictions for next season's reviews:

She shoots and she fails to score. Yet again. Well at least you're consistent.

I think C- is generous. I keep hoping for a new reviewer but my prayers always go unanswered.

He's the worst. I don't think his scenes are badly executed or even badly set-up - they've been giving him bits all along so that his character makes sense. I think the writing and the acting for the character are fine too. The only problem for me is I HATE THIS FRICKIN CHARACTER SO MUCH AND EVERY TIME HE APPEARS I

Carol and Morgan are the hottest. That scene with Carol and her knife and that scene with Morgan and his stick. Swoon.

I agree that Borneo (and to a lesser extent, Australia, Africa, and Marquesas) has a really different feel, I think due to having players who seem as interested in having an adventure and building a community as they are in winning a game. Or in the case of people like Greg Buis and Gabe Cade, even more than winning a

Sorry, you need scarring (although honestly it's not that bad, more goofy than disgusting):

And I also forgot about that, but I hate the sound of it. Clearly I am suppressing things I didn't like when I think about the season. One of these days I'm going to forget all about Naonka and I'll remember that no one quit and that the winner was actually Chase and that Fabio was voted out at the merge, and then

Wow, I totally forgot about that.

Poor Nicaragua, the ugly duckling of Survivor! The second half was often excruciating, plus my least favorite winner. But I loved that first half (minus Naonka).

I prefer watching the buffoons. Yay, Nicaragua! And Gabon!!

Good point, I forgot about that. But I think the title definitely refers to Shirin's story as well, in Survivor and in her OC life.

Just bros bein' bros, ya know? Rodney can't trust a person like Mike who wouldn't do an Eiffel Tower with him.