Prom King

Her character was terrible but - correct me if I'm wrong here - she is responsible for the show have one especially weird episode directed by Diane Keaton that focused on her.

I really just need to watch that whole show again, for the third time (or for some episodes, the fourth time. Or for the premiere episodes, for the dozenth time).

They are so terrible that it makes me wonder if the original group numbered in the hundreds and now they are down to whatever number they are at because of incompetence and their brilliant Save No One survival strategy.

I still don't know what it means and it has irritated me for years. There's got to be some interview with Lynch or Chen or some kind of wiki on that show that will explain it to me. Must search.

There's no time for therapy in the zombie apocalypse. Abusive husbands just need to get got. I know I won't be shedding any tears when that inevitably happens.

Ugh, I have said nothing about how Nina herself has acted. You think I am defending how she's played?

Yes, mocking another player WITH A DISABILITY is morally repellent. Particularly if that person is insecure about that disability. And you know what, I can think of another player who mocked another player with a disability… Na'Onka. I guess if you are Team Na'Onka, then I can see why you wouldn't agree with me.

I can! But that is possibly due to me rewinding his scenes whenever they occur. I actively seek to understand those little golden nuggets of douchiness.

I'm with you on the pre-merge, thought it was a lot of fun. It was the post-merge that bored me and I really don't think the Ciera-Laura voted ended up being interesting. Ciera didn't even have to vote her mom out, Laura would have left anyways because of numbers, so all Ciera was trying to do was impress alliance

Er, that's not at all what I was talking about. Nina DID dig her own grave. What of it? Jenn didn't have to mock her and show her zero compassion while Nina was digging her own grave. Look at Joe and Hali, they both managed to not come across as entitled little twerps with zero empathy when dealing with or discussing

Not really, I know a good number of people who have bible tattoos who have never been to jail. Sort of sounds like your co-worker was talking shit for no reason. Or maybe he had a secret crush on the ex-con. Poor guy, unrequited love can be so hard.

Ha! You already live there!

Really? It's the condescension, the bitchiness, and especially the complete lack of sensitivity towards Nina. Outside of the surfing, she's been pure obnoxiousness the last couple episodes. She is probably my least favorite character right now, beating out out Rodney, Vince, and Lindsey.

He's a riddle wrapped in a mystery! He's dumb, petulant, and very fratty. He's also funny without trying to be funny, which is my favorite, and the only cast member to call out this whole Work=Who You Are thing as stupid bs. He's an enigmatic douchebag and I'm really happy that he is enemies with Shireen because she

Interesting alternate universe, switch the initial tribes for Nina and Shirin.

The Tina strategy was amazing to read about! She's a master.

Let me replace "imploding" with "returning again and again to tribal council" instead. Imploding is the wrong word.

Continuing my wildly acclaimed rankdown, post series rewatch.

That was the totally inexplicable name he called her when he voted her out. He even did an impression. He's an ass. I felt bad for Alina that season.

Great review, really nailed it. I'm glad this episode is over with, it was not a fun experience.