Prom King

But I thought Brains imploding was one of the many highlights of the season.

Benry's dirt squirrel.

She's No Collar! Doing what she wants to do is number 1 on her list.

He's such a douchebag but I think he's tv gold. Most entertaining member of his tribe.

Aaron uses his and Eric’s status as gay men in a largely heterosexual group to try and win Daryl over. It works surprisingly well, but also reinforces the feeling I sometimes get that this show was written in 1987.

When I watched it for the first time, I thought Colby was awesome. I really admired him for some reason. On the rewatch, he came across as a smug sourpuss to me. Also did not care for his treatment of Jerri.

Jenn may turn into a good villain but for now, after this episode, ugh.
I definitely want Joaquin to bring the douchebag back out. He seems like he could bring that in a fun way, but more like Burton and early Boston Rob than 3 Amigos hopefully.

I am upvoting for the Jenn comment but I am trying very hard to pretend I didn't read the part about Vince! No, no, no.

Her use of the word "coddle" is what made my attitude towards Jenn flip.

One of Altman's few bad films. Dog shit motif was a bit much.

I think you can be a wallflower and win this game, as long as you have a strategy where being a wallflower works. Unfortunately I don't think Nina is thinking about her role in that way.

I also think there's a chance that Nina misread the Tina in Australia as a strong, gentle mom type rather than the ruthless boss that she actually was. I definitely misread and dismissed Tina as such the first time I watched her.

I really like your post and your perspective on Nina.

I'll give Will the benefit of the doubt as a character, because he's amusing and I just automatically like him for some reason. But as a strategist, not so much. This is one where I'd like to be wrong though and it would be great if he had taken all of that into consideration when switching up his vote. I think he's

Being a swing vote did not work out well for Dolly on Vanuatu. But reading your list, it's clear she's an exception.

Not liking Amazon was my number one surprise upon rewatching the seasons. Well maybe it was tied with not really liking Colby in Australia.

I really wanted to like Coach as a character the second time around. But I just can't. He really creeps me out in Tocantins and he makes me sad in Heroes vs. Villains. He's disturbing in South Pacific too with all of the MUST WORSHIP GOD NOW. But I didn't mind him as much there because he was more strategic and less

Sad to say, my tastes in Survivor seasons post-rewatch are really divergent from most of what I've seen of TV Club. I should be voted out, as should all the divergent! Although my top favorites will probably be similar to everyone else's as it is hard for me to imagine most people disagreeing on what are the best

Eddie says he can't wait to win because he will use the money to build something that combines his two loves: drinking and dogs. He will create a bar and next to it, a place for dogs. Together they make Dog Bar. Probably one of the funniest things a Survivor has said they were going to do with their money. And

You should probably also be worried that San Juan Del Sur hasn't shown up either.