Prom King

I was thinking only of the randomness of that one tribal council and then ugh Phillip finally gone. I'm not even thinking of the strategy because that play went nowhere. I am not a fan of the three douchebags except for that scene and of course dog bar. Otherwise they were a part of why the season sucked.

Not automatically! God forbid I ever smell of patchouli oil.

Continuing my rankdown after rewatching the seasons:

I love those dead eyes.

Nina's actually a huge fan of the game. I was really surprised at her two big blunders. In one episode even.

I liked her a lot but I didn't see her as strategic. She was a classic I Have The Power I Am The Swing Vote Oops Voted Out. That's never a good look.

I love this:

That's actually my favorite Coach. But that's not saying a lot because ugh Coach.

Move to San Francisco where I live and you will smell it daily. Yay!

Coach Jr. might have been fun to watch as the leader of the misfits within the actual Misfits Tribe.

That was awesome, along with her interview. Carol is so adorable when she's pretending not to be a stone cold killer.

I think you are absolutely right. People love that season and I think a lot of it is because people really love Rob C. But also men vs. women, peanut butter, satisfying Rodger blindside, Rob's chain, Heidi's obliviousness. I liked all of those things too but they didn't balance out the sourness that that season had

Oops, pun definitely NOT intended

I definitely get why people find him irritating. But for me, that's all part of the awesomeness of Kenny - his blind spots and his eventual downfall are what make him a top level character for me. I found him irritating, then sympathetic, then for a while he was an underdog who I rooted for (he made some great

I love that gif and that blindside so, so much.

Sierra seems like she's going to be simultaneously fun and horrible. She already had some awesome sourpuss expressions. First day on Survivor Island and she already is hating life.

After pretty much despising Caramoan, and with the memory of One World and especially Redemption Island in mind, I suddenly felt like I was an idiot for liking Survivor so much. To prove to myself that I still loved this show, I went back and started rewatching all of the seasons. By the end of the tonight, I will

Not really. In that I love labs and don't really care for beagles. They look like they'd be a lot of fun but they turn out to be bitey.

Except dead grandma was just so much better to watch than Katrina killed my life. I dunno, maybe I just like Fairplay more than I will ever like Hantz. But the Katrina lie just made my skin crawl while dead grandma made me laugh. Plus of course Sandra not believing it.

I guess I'm glad that at least one person believes in the Jeff Probst dream of jobs = who you are.